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Alright this has to stop.

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Abusek, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. So I wake up at around noon, take a couple hits from my bong, my friends are still over from the night before and smoked up all their weed and started playing some halo, MW2, etc etc, not that bad but i can hardly fucking see anything from all the damn the smoke and i trip over my dog and land on my vacuum cleaner and bust my eyebrow.:mad:

    First question,: What do you guys do to clear out all the smoke, like this shit won't go away unless i open my damn windows but when i do the whole neighborhood will smell all the dank I've been smoking.:confused:

    Second: Does anyone else have this problem?
  2. i guess I am a lightweight compared to you. never hotbox'd to where I can't see. fan might fix it. lay on the ground and you could probably see just gotta learn to army crawl.
  3. get some ventilation up in that ish bro. no room should be that hotbox'd with modern day ventilation. at least form my experiences
  4. Ok, I've sorta done some research, i've come across those carbon filter fans that growers use to filter out the smell. Would that work or would the smoke just fuck up the filter and i'd have to change it like everyday?
  5. Try that febreeze-like spray that everyone talks about on here that "eats" smoke. I forget what it's called, sorry :confused:
  6. OZIUM my friend. works wonders, neutralizes odors and smoke
  7. If you haven't thought about it a vaporizer would really help.
  8. Dude bullshit. There's no way you can't see from the smoke in a house.

    EDIT-Especially with a bong...
  9. lmfao. idk man turn a fan on. lmfao
  10. haha what! i can always see thru my haze even when i fishbowl 2 Ls in the whip... when im at the crib i like to crack a window
  11. Open the window.. One room of bud smoke isn't going to make the neighborhood reek. Think about how quickly the smoke dissipates and spreads out once it leaves ur window. No one is gonna smell that.
  12. I always have adequate ventilation. I can't imagine smoking so much I couldn't see! Unless I was in a really tiny room . . .
  13. open your door,stop hot boxing and get a fan
  14. You make me want to hotbox my room now :smoking:

    on topic tho.. just get a fan dude. just watch the bowl while its cherry
  15. get one of these and face it out the window

  16. if your room really gets that boxed, ya should go outside and videotape the smoke pouring out of it
  17. That's bs theres no way theres that much smoke.

  18. Dude i have one of those. lol Its awesome
  19. Sure there is, it just takes 2 kilos thrown in the oven with the door open, and set it on "Broil" while leaving the door completely open. :)
  20. What do you smoke? Guessing blunts?

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