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Already building a tolerance?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Dk716, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. Well ive only been smoking a couple months, but like everything else (alcohol, stimulants, etc etc) my body is somehow building up a retarded tolerance to it.

    i can smoke way more and longer and not even be as high or as high for as long as my friends who have been doing it for years.

    they'll all say they are done and cant do more and ill go on to do 2 more bowls ahead of them, and then feel sober hours before they are claiming to still be high.

    annoying as sh*t.

    and its all high quality weed, good stuff, i know that, Kush quality
  2. u have a shit body, friend
  3. lol what the other guy said
  4. that sucks... how much do u smoke a day?
  5. I'm pretty sure everyone builds some sort of tolerance. It can all be mental. You're as high as you want to be, friend. haha
  6. That or your friend's just lack gaining a tolerance.

    My tolerance has been out of this roof for way too long.

  7. depending on the day, during a week day i work from 7am-5pm so i only probably average 2 bowls or so a day unless i meet up with friends to blaze, so probably 2g a day max on week days average.

    but on the weekend it goes bat shit.

    Me and my friend just came off a 2 hour session where we finished a quarter and a little bit of dank dank weed (Kush star)
  8. You've built up a tolerance to the THC, it's not in your mind. You need to take a break from smoking to get your tolerance down.
  9. Hmm, well maybe after the weekend ill slow it down next week and then hammer it back up on the weekend for my little roadtrip

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