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alot of small hits or a few big hits

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by adam1120, Nov 22, 2011.

  1. Which one gets u higher? Just thought about it right now, has anyone ever tried something like this?
  2. Big rips that make you cough your ass off.
  3. Definitely big hits, that you hold in for like 9 seconds.
  4. Big hits bro
  5. Big ol' fat bong rip will do the trick. Hold it for 6-8 seconds and your set. :)
  6. Big hits.

    Unless you can't handle big hits...
  7. big ones that make u cough, gets u uncomfortably high
  8. big hits unfortunately my lungs have gotten a bit conditioned to them since that's what i usually do all the time, maybe time for a break soon i think
  9. I find a few large rips from say a bong would get me higher than more mediocre ones
    My reasons being the coughing fit I'm thrown into makes the weed hit harder or faster not sure which (this again is personal opinion)
  10. Yes bud all using.the same amount of bud tho larger hits cash bowls quicker so u get less but alot of shorter hits save bud... Tried it a big ass hits better tho:p
  11. I think that you will get the same amount of THC no matter how big or small the hits are and as long as you smoke the whole bowl you packed. BUT

    Bigger hits that make you cough always seem to get you higher.. can anyone shed some light on this for me as to why coughing seems to exasperate(? :) ) the high.
  12. [quote name='"The3amJunkie"']I think that you will get the same amount of THC no matter how big or small the hits are and as long as you smoke the whole bowl you packed. BUT

    Bigger hits that make you cough always seem to get you higher.. can anyone shed some light on this for me as to why coughing seems to exasperate(? :) ) the high.[/quote]

    I think I read something about the blood rushing to your brain when you cough? Knowing me I'm probably WAY off though

  13. I think it's just because hits that are big enough to dry your throat out and make you cough like crazy deliver more thc and cannaboids at one single time, thus making you feel overwhelmed and high very quickly than say 4 smaller size hits that equal the amount of that one big rip.

  14. :bongin:
  15. [quote name='"stoneheir"']

    I think I read something about the blood rushing to your brain when you cough? Knowing me I'm probably WAY off though[/quote]

    No you got the right idea
  16. I tried it and I got to say I got more high puffing longer and slower, than I did when I rip the shit out of the bowl an burnt the bud faster.

  17. gonna put that to the test real quick...edit in 30 seconds..

  18. im gonna go against the crowd here and say SMALLER hits. your lungs can only absorb so much THC at a time so in theory your wasting more THC with bigger hits.

    but you do get the sense of being higher if you cant handle your shit and start coughing your ass of after taking a big hit. thats because while coughing your cutting off the oxygen to your brain immediately after all that thc intake.

    and no i dont have studies or evidence for any of this; google has answers, try it.;)

  19. Haha, right why bother proving something when Google can do it for you...anyone ever tried typing "do a barrel roll" into Google search? Enjoy.

    Just took a huge rip now its time for MW3...
  20. [quote name='"The3amJunkie"']I think that you will get the same amount of THC no matter how big or small the hits are and as long as you smoke the whole bowl you packed. BUT

    Bigger hits that make you cough always seem to get you higher.. can anyone shed some light on this for me as to why coughing seems to exasperate(? :) ) the high.[/quote]

    Exacerbate btw

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