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alone or with bros? and hello :)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by theduck, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. so . I was going to say sometihng, but noq I am falling back through time:smoke::smoke:. Anyway. I'm hiiiiiiiigh. sorry. I promise to y'all you great guys, I'll make real posts later. I'm just hiiiiiiigh right now.

    Anyway, how often to you'all smoke by yourself, compared to with bros?

    I love you all :hello: :hello:
  2. dude. this thread made no sense. :D who is the new dude anyway? and why is he on this forum?
  3. Hmm I'd say I smoke alone 80% of the time.
  4. [​IMG]

    lol welcome to the forums :smoke:
  5. it all depends....if i got plenty to smoke...its with friends...if im running low im by myself.......
  6. I smoke quite a bit by myself. Its fun and enjoyable. I figure sometimes when I smoke with bros we end up sitting on our asses doing nothing anyway, so it's the same or even better alone. I do love both though. :smoke: Welcome.
  7. My frequent bro's became fags... so im chillin lonesome now. Cept for like 2 or 3 im alwaysl shill iwth.

    Fuck This MFLB! I'm so damn high.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.
  8. alone and stoned. people sketch me out when im with them while high. i see them in another light. usually a truthfully negative light.
  9. most people i know that i can smoke with just talk about how high they are when they smoke

    so i don't smoke with those dbags. i don't give a shit how high you are

  10. exactly i get the same way.
  11. i vape at home everynight with my new mflb and i smoke bongs and shit with the crew
  12. Moved to a new city so I can go through zips on my own. Before I used to only smoke with my boys.
  13. On my own most of the time, but when i get bored i hit up some people to come smoke with me. but when i smoke with bros they just want to keep smoking more of my weed and eat all my food lol.

    I Hate when people do that shit its so annoying

  14. Agreed man! I know this one guy who will smoke a tiny bit of shit weed, and then not do anything but talk about how blazed he is, and be too scared to go into 7/11 because he says he too high :(.
  15. well i dont know about ya'll but i smoke with the bros a lot. don't really like smoking by myself.
  16. I smoke alone about 60% of the time I guess
  17. I don't smoke alone too often now because most of my roommates are always down. I like smoking with my friends, but I would rather smoke alone than with complete strangers.

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