Something i've wanted to do since i was young, go out to the bush in Alaska and put my survival skills through the ultimate test. This man does it over the age of fifty, and builds his own cabin with his bare hands. (axe, draw knife, saw too.). Simply FUCKING amazing. I want to do this so bad now i'm really considering it. But i have no clue where i'd go because it seems like everyone owns everything already. heres the link to the documentary if you'd like to watch it. Alone in the Wilderness — Roadwolf's Blog
When I was a teen I used to fantasize going on a spirit quest like certain native American tribes did. Strip butt naked and go into the woods with nothing but a knife and just commune with nature and discover myself.
there is a movie you should watch- "Into the Wild" its the same thing, except a documentary. A guy changes his whole life, quits his job, leaves everything behind to live in the wilderness. Its really sad because he dies in the end- no food- really cold ): i think thats a cool idea (;
LOL yeah dude. sorry to burst your bubble. but what i posted is a documentary, self filmed. and into the wild is starring emile hersch or w.e his name is.
Bring a self locating tool of some kind and like two backups of that, to be found. Bring a GPS, bring a bag with basic survival stuff like water and bread. Don't use these things day to day, keep them just in case. No fun in placing yourself in life threatening situations. You can find yourself and test your skills just as well if you have an escape route. I like your idea sir.
If I was alone in the wilderness, I would look into my bag and find: knife mace my favorite bowl weed flashlight mini-pillow several packages of beef jerkey (teriyaki) hell yeah
I thought this was about the documentary by the same name. It's called alone in the wilderness and was mad by a guy who moved into the Alaskan wild when he was 51 and built a cabin from scratch with only hand tools. He lived there off the land with an occasional drop of good from his friend by float plane for 30 some years. He came back to civilization when he was more than 80 cus he got sick ofthe -50 winters. I posted thelink to it in a different thread but can't now cus I'm on the ol iphone
oh man, sorry! didnt mean to spoil it. and i was high, i thought to myself wow this is a documentary..just like i thought rumble in shanghai was aswell whoops...
I understand what the OP means? Right now I like watch the Tv shows I shouldn't be alive and also the one locked up abroad. It makes you kind of want to be in a situation like that and come out on top just like the person.