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Aloe Vera Bong Water. WTF Mate?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Sister Fister, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. It went something like this:

    Me: I prefer vaporization.
    Him: Rip off. I filter my smoke with Aloe Vera, see?

    Has anyone ever heard of or tried this? He fills his bong with nothing but Aloe. I'm not sure if it's juice, extract, or whatever, but the bottle doesn't look made for drinking. It has one of those tiny flip-up spouts for lesser quantities. Sounds like a crackpot idea to me, but I'm still curious. I can't believe how much time I've wasted doing serious research on this.
  2. ewww... hot ass lotion smell. that ***** is retarded. itd be so hard to pulll itd be like smoking with fukn pudding in a bong. he prolly just figures "its soothes skin so it must be good for my throat if i smoke throo it."
  3. lmfao!
  4. ahahah what the fuck? like thats just weird
  5. next time he says that..
    Smack him. and say.

    NO!! bad. NO no no....Go to your room you dont deserve to smoke marijuana.
  6. You can buy aloe vera thats drinkable, it comes in a weird looking plastic bottle that has chunks of Aloe in it, it taste like grapes.
  7. That sounds oddly disgusting. :p
  8. Hahahaha tell him sun burn and throat burn are two different things
  9. It's Aloe Vera juice. It just has the same look, taste, and consistency of water. There is absolutely no benefit to filtering smoke through Aloe juice. If he wants to reap the benefits of Aloe Vera tell him to drink it, otherwise he's just wasting money (lots of it).
    See above post.
  10. ^This.
  11. Yea, that's pretty much what I found when I searched the city. The bottle was white though, so I couldn't see what the juice looked like.
    In the bong it looked about as viscous as water, so that makes sense. Haha, that would be quite a bit more ridiculous if he used the creamy lotion. But anyway, I guess I'm wondering if any significant research has been done. So far, I think not.
  12. Just a thought, but due to the essential oils in aloe vera, it might actually keep his bong cleaner than water, as the res would bond to them.

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