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almost over

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Sm0kEiN, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Hey grasscity after a long 5 weeks of my t break(court ordered) i got 4 weeks left=] surprising as it is its on my b-day the first few weeks was kinda rough but after that it seems to go by some what quick just giving you an update and happy toking:smoke:
  2. Thanks for the update man, I was losing sleep.

  3. No need to be rude bub.

    They'll go by quickly... I'm at seven months right now and ironically I'm lazier than ever. My memory is much better and my physical activity has gone through the roof... my work ethic is awful though.
  4. yeah man i cant wait just thinking back to when my first toke was and how amazing and spiritual it will be=] cleaned my bong all my pieces and i might even get a week off early due to me being clean after all this time:hello:
  5. I'm at 50 days soberness. the first 3 days sucked... And it was cake from there. Very pleased... I'm waiting on it to be like 1 year... Cause 50 days came so fast... I used to mark every day on my calender, then I just stopped because it wasn't a big deal anymore. I now just mark it at the end of the week.

    My memory is coming back like Biggie was going back to cali... So happy man... IT's awesome.

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