almost got merked by my friend.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by michael68, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. he wasnt actually gonna knife me but im home now, this was a half hour ago or so. we smoked 1 fat blunt, i was lifted and still am. feeling just amazing and hazy and real good you know. anyway my friend pulls out a pencil and goes "PHONE CHECK, GET MERKED SON." and i laughed but i was scared cause i didnt know if i was gonna get stabbed or not.

  2. That was an awesome story, bro.
  3. I'm sorry, but I don't understand your story at all

  4. hmmm. yes.
  5. I lol'd
  6. next time you're with him and smokin a B, whip out a kitchen knife with bloodstains on it and yell 'GET MERKED SON'
  7. lol^

    great story.
  8. Next time you're with him and smokin a B, whip out a giant perch, and yell "GET PERCHED SON" !

    Procede with the fish slapping.

  9. Thank you for making me laugh. Hard.

  10. sig worthy
  11. you should have disarmed him, snapped his elbow and smashed his head into the fridge.

  12. Who do you think he is? Steven Seagal?
  13. Only Nancy Grace could properly decipher this cool story, bro.

  14. [​IMG]
  15. Ey dog, u gotta get sharp, fire on any fool who tries to phone check you.

    word life.
  16. ^ Lol, i had to use urban dictionary for "phone check".. pretty interesting. Anyways cool story brah.
  17. Broseph Story is cool.

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