Almost got caught. Help plz

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by blitzy, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Not 10 minutes ago my uncle calmly walked over to my room and knocked on the door. It took me a minute to get to the door and unlock it; which I think made it look worse from his point of view. He asked me if I was smoking in my room. I really wasn't so I told him the truth. But he just looks at me then looks around my room and just walked away.

    I'm living with my aunt and uncle after a house fire that forced me and the rest of my family to live in different places because of lack of space. I'd like to think he wouldn't throw me out with the situation I'm in. But if you knew him, you'd kinda expect him to have my bags packed by tomorrow.

    I come to you guys to ask what should I do if it comes down to him finding out?
    I'm pretty sure he'd start yelling and threatening to call the cops, and I obviously don't want that. Any pointers on how to even talk about this kind of thing?

    I'm about to start putting all my pieces away and hide them.
  2. if you really weren't then how could you get in trouble?
    just don't smoke in there...
  3. How about you be a little more considerate and smoke the fuck outside. He did you a favor by taking you in, and how did you return his kindness? You disrespected his fucking home. How would you like it if someone walked into a house you owned and just lit up a cigarette without even considering how you felt about it.

  4. waht up troll that was dick
  5. No, that's actually what we like to call being "grateful" and showing "respect".

    He probably doesn't want people smoking weed in his home; OP is in no position to violate his wishes.
  6. He randomly asked you if you were smoking even though you weren't? Seems a little suspicious, have you done anything to tip him off before?

    If you really think he'd call the cops or kick you out it's definitely not worth smoking inside.
  7. I agree with Freakish for the most part. Just don't smoke in his house or keep your stuff in there. Maybe dig a hole somewhere outside and hide it in a box in there or a hole in a tree or anywhere outside and close in general. If you need to smoke roll something up or load a bowl and walk to a park or somewhere and toke. I just wouldn't reccomend keeping the stuff anywhere in his house, it might end up blowing up into something terribly bad especially given your circumstances.
  8. so, you DIDNT get caught and your asking us for help on what again?? It seems pretty obvious, just smoke outside.
  9. You are one stupid son of a bitch.
  10. Yeah, just go do it outside. I live with my mom, and I barely smoke because she hates it. What's better to you OP uncle's house or jail.. Because he sounds like the type to call the cops.
  11. I wasn't smoking but I have before in there. And I'm not in the position to go outside and smoke as it is freezing balls most of the time here. It's not because I disrespect him and am not grateful. After a long 10 hour day working in a warehouse I feel like I've earned a bowl or two.

  12. Well why don't you wear a jacket then? Even if I worked ten hours a day, it is still someone else's house.
  13. Except that you haven't earned a damn thing. It's HIS house and HIS rules - smoke elsewhere, lest you reap what you sow.

    I fully expect another thread in the future whining about how his uncle kicked him out and now he has no place to go.
  14. I think i understand your position, if I were you, I'd take any chance I'd get to do it outside, but if the opportunity doesn't arise, you could start keeping a stash of firecrackers, or other nice little edibles to get take care of the smoke.
  15. my advice is not to let him find out. Seriously. deny it and hide it good and dont smoke there at all. hes doing you a favor; chill.

  16. I live in Canada and I still smoke outside during the winter. "It's cold outside" isn't an acceptable excuse for disrespecting your uncle.

  17. Yeah seriously, just put some more clothes on, and its not like your outside for that long.
  18. stash your stuff outside of the house in a SAFE place. then if he ever trys searching your room for anything while your gone he wont find anything. and like many others have said smoke outside.

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