Hey currently in my room after smoking 2 bowls, live with my parents saw my mom go walk the dog so smoked up when she left finished quick and 5 minutes later I see her walk back, start scrambling to cover up the smell not to bad had everything aired out good, but when she gets in the dog immediately starts scratching my door so I freak out a bit but my mom let's it go since she thinks I'm sleeping. Currently holding up so I thought if anyone has stories to share of almost getting caught for me to read while I wait haha.
I can smell it a mile away bruh of course I wana get stoned fuck else am I gonna do. You already cut my nuts off so fucking bitches is out of the question. Now roll me a blunt before I shit in the house again.
the consensus being that when in your parents house you live by their rules or get your own place..? or in your case; You walk the dog...!!!!
I was but she just cane back from Mexico and wanted to spend time with the dog lol will be moving out soon I'm getting married but our culture is stay with us till you get married or get an out of state job