Almost caught at school

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by hellsing420, Nov 24, 2010.

  1. The stage at a school used to have catwalks. And one day a friend brought a bong, so we decided to climb the ladder and smoke up in the catwalks. No one usually comes by that area anyway. Well after about 10 mins when we are getting ready to leave...2 janitors come by talking and walking around on the stage. My friend and I sit down and try to be silent. The janitors keep talking and we hear them say
    "I've heard that some kids climb up to the cat walks up there.
    --"Yeah. Who knows what kind of drugs they're doing up there."
    "So that's why we have to put locks on the ladders."
    We both looked at each other, we were scared about getting caught or trapped up there. The janitors kept talking below us only 20ft. It was REALLY intense, we couldn't do anything, but sit and be quite. I was stoned as hell too so it was scary. After about 30 minutes they finally said they were leaving to get the padlocks and come right back. We waited for them to leave and bolted down the god damn ladder jumping 1/4 of the way down to the stage, landed rolled got up ran and got the hell outta there. We were lucky we didn't get caught OR stuck up there. Since it's over it's kinda funny now.
  2. cool story bro jk but yeah man it would have been the schools fault if some kids got trapped up there and died but yeah ur lucky they didn't lock the ladder up while they were standing there the first time...

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  3. I weep for the future
  4. Check it out, janitors dont give a fuck.
    They most likely smelled pot and decided to fuck with you bro lol
  5. Can't you guys wait til you're out of school to hit the bong? Like come on, might as well ask your principal to blaze up too... not.
  6. #6 adambommb, Nov 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2010
    ^^^ this kids a Fucking Douche BTW.

    and dont be stupid, dont take your shit to school, most people have to learn the heard way.
    and how did you jump off and roll if you had a bong...
  7. The stupidity of some high school kids never ceases to amaze me. Of course they can't simply wait till they get home, that would rational, and not moronic. How could you expect that of OP? That's too much to ask...
  8. lol, you guys went into Ninja Mode.
  9. or atleast be smoke about it. a fucking bong? you got balls kid. next time take a simple joint that way if worst comes to worst and shit hits the fan you swollow that thing just play dumb can't get anything on you if you got nothing on you. :p
  10. Indeed...
  11. cant go 8 hours without mah crack!!!

  12. lol why would they die...they would get in trouble probably suspended long term
  13. They were messing with you.


  14. speaking of being unlucky, remember when you stole somebody's xbox
  15. it was wrong but it felt so right lol, plus kinect is pretty dope:rolleyes:

  16. I don't know what kinect is and your right it sure was wrong. I hope you returned it, or like is said earlier the karma police will end up having their way with ya.
  17. No no, my FRIEND brought and carried the stuff in her backpack. It was my first time using a bong, so I wanted to try it =P
  18. Common sense you lack.
  19. Intense story man. It's like a James Bond movie but in real life.
  20. Just so you know, they were fucking with you. They left so you could stop shitting your pants and leave. They probably didn't even come back.

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