Almost as bad as a lighter thief

Discussion in 'General' started by ford12508, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. Anyone else have someone that they lent a lighter to and they never gave it back? My dad's lighter that he uses for cigs ran out, and he asked to borrow one of mine. I said yea whatever and he grabbed it from my room. I went to smoke just now, and he borrowed it yesterday. I notice that there is still and empty spot on my desk where it was, I have a few, but this was my first fucking lighter he took. I lit my first cig with it, and I havent smoked in over 3 years. I lit my first bowl I ever smoked with it, and I have used it the first time that I smoked out of any piece that I have gotten. It had so much sentimental value to me, I couldnt start to tell you. So I go ask him if I could get it back, and he goes "Oh I gave it to someone at work, and they never gave it back." I asked him if he could ask for it back and he said "I don't know the guy, he was just under the overhang we have outside." This is in NYC, I would be lucky if the guy worked at my dad's work, let alone had the lighter still.

    I am not really mad, but upset, because yea I have other lighters, but I can't replace that one. I only used it for special occasions, and now its gone. Anyone else have someone that they lent a special lighter to and it ended up disappearing? Also, I didn't lend this one to my dad, he just said he was going to grab one, and he took the worst possible one ever.
  2. Its only a lighter bro.. I know what you mean but let cooler shit become sentimental.. like a bowl or a grinder
  3. ::huggs::

    i actually know how you feel about this, i had a special lighter, was a zippo one, that my bf's room mate took the liberty of borrowing, then lost it at the skatepark....i went there later to find it, but of course someone had scooped it up by then, it was all pretty too :(
  4. Besides my Toro and first spoon, my pieces aren't really as special to me. someone might feel attached to their spoon if thats all they have, but I have a ton of pieces. Besides my first spoon and Toro, most of the pieces are just smoking utensils for me.
  5. i think we are all guilty of stealing a lighter.

    i don't think i've paid for one in months but i have a ton sitting on my dresser :p i don't take them intentionally but everytime i get drunk at a party, the next morning i have a bunch of lighters in my pocket.. :/
  6. Lighters are just passed between people like that.

    Once with a friend we decided not to buy a lighter for a while and see how many we could gather, we ended up with more than 500 lighters way before a year. We decided to end it and lost every single one of them.

    It´s just one of those things.

    Although it does suck to have lost something of sentimental value like that.
  7. It sucks if it meant alot to you, but just think if he had pulled out a little sooner that one fateful night you wouldn't even be here to miss that lighter. Haha just messin dude.
  8. This is why I always keep my 'special' lighters in my little stash spot.

    I'm a terrible lighter thief, though. I don't do it on purpose, it's just that I'll be smoking with my friends using one of my pieces, and when we're done it's just second nature to put both the lighter and the piece in my purse. I didn't even realize I do it until I looked in my purse and realized I've got like 10 lighters, none of which I bought.

    But if I realize that I do it, I always give it back the next time I see them. I never purposefully steal shit.
  9. I never steal lighters, but somehow I always lose mine or someone takes it so I steal them back sometimes because its annoying have a 3 pack then suddenly only one that is half out....
  10. There have been a few people who have tried to leave my house with 4 or 5 of my and my friends lighters. We have no patience for thieves and they are never allowed back to my place.

    If you accidentally pocket one while a bowl is being passed around thats one thing, but when people try to leave a house with as many lighters as possible that is just bs.
  11. I've never met somebody that HONESTLY just steals lighters. It's always just a mistake, and as such I don't make a big deal about it.

    I hope to one day meet this elusive lighter fiend, though.
  12. hahah this is funny...sorry OP. but i totally feel you. i have a couple expensive lighters i ONLY use when i smoke alone and i ALWAYS hide them.

    as far as bics, i think i spend more money buying lighters than on actual weed hahahaha.
    im really bad at letting people keep them or leaving them lying around.
    and i like never keep other peoples only because im so bad at keeping my own lol
  13. I'm paranoid of lighter thieves, so whenever I'm done with a light I stick it back in my pocket whether it originated there or not. I pocket so many lighters by accident.
  14. I have friends that go out of their way to steal lighters. It pisses me the fuck off. I REFUSE to let some of my friends even touch my lighter because they are so fuckin sneaky.

    Damn lighter thieves!!! Damn u ALL!!
  15. yeah I don't put up with thieves. Accidents happen.
  16. Its called the COMMUNITY LIGHTER! Ill keep a lookout for this horrible theif
  17. Ah, being female and having mainly male friends, I paint my lighters in nail varnish. When one of em tries to swipe it I ask "so you wear that nail varnish too eh?"

    You should see the blushes as they pass it back. I don't lose so many now!
  18. OPI - Im not really a waitress haha.
    i just know that because my girl uses it lol
  19. Similar case happened at my school last week. This guy asked to use this girls pen, and he started to play with it. Well he ends up breaking it, right in front of her. Apparently she had that pen throughout high school and it has never ran out of ink. She started to throw punches/kicks at the guy.

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