Alligator Milkshot(Video)

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by burninbudz, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. Made a Milk video with my new Alligaotr Bowl.


    Comments appreciated/welcomed

  2. private video bra lol
  3. Been fixed :)

  4. Rantrantrant pussy hit man im 7 and i hit better bongs adurp lolno proshitbro. +rep

  5. Ummm.... Gotcha. Thanks bro.

    (Im asuming your mocking childish youtube commentors?)

  6. Bump*

  7. I don't know if it's because i'm really stoned but when I came here I really hoped to see something funny like an alligator taking a milky ass bong hit and coughing his lungs up. But thats a sick looking bong and bowel bro!
  8. thats a sick bowl man. how much did that cost ya?
  9. My fiance bought it as a gift for me, Im not sure what she paid but it was marked in the LHS at $35.

  10. sick bowl dude!!!!! i want one haha :smoking:
  11. sick dude, Love that bowl. You should post a milk vid with that badass ashcatcher you got.
  12. Im using the A/C in this video, just cant see it... Ill have to get some more milks tommorw with the whole setup!

  13. I really liked the angle of this video.
  14. That bowl is awesome!
  15. sweet bowl man :D

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