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All you fucking pigs can eat shit and die!!!

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by larryg420, Feb 9, 2009.

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  1. This is a PM i get from a new member with 2 posts.
    Whats up
    Looks like you have a nice grow set up. To be real im trying to finds a hook up for weight.. there has got to be a way to prove neither of us are the FEDS. Further more, you dont know me and i dont know you. When i do eventually find a connect theres going to be alot of money and weed, and were both going to worried about getting robbed. Of course, thats bad business. I live in Virginia. If your more then a few states away then i guess im SOL. Thanks.
    Where do these ass holes come from?Do they have the biggest balls you've ever seen?
    I get PM's like this all the time,like i'm going to tell you where i live and sell you "weight".
    Go fuck your self PIG.:mad:
  2. lmao,
    what tools
  3. ha
  4. haha what was the purpose of that pm even?
  5. Good day officer.
  6. Wow... just wow.
  7. Wonder if that silly trick has ever worked on someone :rolleyes:
  8. ahhhh man. someday i wanna be just like him...
  9. haha thats a good one
    real sneaky like
  10. Lol....

    It's probly a pig, but it could just be a fucking stupid forum member... I've considered getting in touch with people on here about selling me some e cause there's no way I can get it here, but decided against it, because I realized pigs could get rep too :p

    Either way, that's sketchy as fuck...
  11. of course it crosses everyones mind to try and get a good hookup

    but that sounded funny as shit
  12. good day johnny...
  13. what a shitty pm

    looks like its the work of Drugdealer Q. Dumbass as opposed to John Law. What cop would take the time to send an ambiguous pm that ends with a rambling statement/answer to his own question?:confused: I give them more credit than that.
  14. We should have a list of known narcs or something. But i dont know how that would help...... UM
  15. String him out and stand him up. Make it a really inconvenient meeting place and time too. :D Tell him you have 10 kilos in Greensboro and that the only time you can meet is 3:30 AM at the 7-11 on pump number 4. Hahahahahah
  16. You must get a crap load of pm's considering your grows, but i get a fair share of no post new people and low post people asking me for connects...almost daily. Terrible stuff. I just either ignore it or if i'm in a good mood i explain to them politely that they are stupid.

    Someone should start a "Piggy pm" thread.
  17. I get them all the time,i just don't reply.
    But this one got to me.
    And i lived in Ft Lee in the 80's to the early 90's.
    And i grew weed out doors on river road.:smoking:
  18. You mean you wont send me pounds of pot in the mail? Damn!

    Dude I can paypal, its totally legit!
  19. I find it very funny that pigs literally have time to post on internet forums when they could be chasing down crack dealers and actually helping people.

  20. it's probably not even a pig, just some stupid wigger or wanna be gangster moron.
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