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All weed the same price?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by theejuice, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. Here in AK, well in my city at least, weed is always the same price. It seems pretty weird, since joining GC, and seeing everyone talk about different prices for different qualities of weed. All of my connections charge the same price.


    I know $20 a gram seems pricey, but it is Alaska. The quality usually ranges from high mids to dank, rarely do I ever get shitty weed. Does this occur anywhere else?

    <3 Valley weed
  2. Due to how remote you are up there and the climate. Most of the pot is going to have been grown indoors locally, and thus show little variation in quality.

    On the lower 48 we see crap weed from mexico for 50 dollars an ounce. Midgrade from appalachia for 150. BC beasters for 250 an ounce. Indoor Com bud from wherever for 350, and good headies for 400 an O.

    So it's lots of different weed grown different places in different ways. But it's not economic to ship it to alaska. So you guys mostly take care of yourselves, and it looks similar because it's grown in the same climate or conditions.
  3. Down in FL this is how it goes for bud in my area. There is mids which actually isnt bad shit its green, SOMETIMES it has a few hairs, no crystals, and its ok, and it goes for 5 bucks a gram, 20 for a 3.5 dub, 60 for a half and 120 an ounce, then there is hydro which goes by your price unless you have a good hookup.

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