Hey, I'm in London UK and the government has now got an official petition website. Any issues that get 100,000 signs can have the chance to be debated in the house of ..thingy (I'm a bit high) Now I know petitions are fairly pointless, but that's not the reason you should sign it. The reason why EVERY SINGLE WEED SUPPORTER in the UK should sign it is because the petition site has only been online for one day. The most popular petitions are already getting a lootttt of media coverage. If weed is the first to 100,000+ , it will get a lot of media coverage. And that's seriously good for our cause. tl;dr Here's the link Legalise cannabis - e-petitions And for discussion - how are you feeling about the situation here atm? I mean, the lib dems have said they will vote to decriminalise everything like Portugal. The first party in power to ever consider it... Tides are slowly turning, my friends