Started smoking when I was 12. Stole a fresh bud off one of my friends' big brothers plants. Rolled it up in a zigzag without even breaking it up. After that it was roaches my friend stole from his mom after school. I used to wait around the corner for him to hurry up and grab em. When I first tried some real bomb, I instantly loved the warm feeling it gave me when I exhaled. Now twenty five years young and I have been burnin ever since. This is the thread where you share how many years you have been blazing. What did u smoke when you first started, was it the downtown brown or the uptown green?
Lol you were a clepto-ass kid. I started in college at 18, smoked dirt and mids for about 10 months then sophomore year I started buying chronic exclusively and feel a lot better for it.
Started smoking run of the mill mids with a friends when I was 16, started buying mids later that year. I still buy mainly mids, dank every 6 months or so, I can't justify the high price when I'm going off to college next year and need the cash.
I was about 14/15 when I took my first hit, my good friend told me I bet youre gonna get addicted, well fuck you I did no such thing, I just found it pleasurable and decided to do it more regularly. The stuff I first smoked was grade-A stuff, I mean, I lived in Amsterdam at the time, so it was White Widow right away. All I remember is asking my friends: ARE MY EYES RED? I was worried my mother would see it, turns out now though, 5 years later, I share my spliffs with her sometimes. She likes a hit or 2 but she has 0 tolerance so 2 hits will get her blazed haha
I haven't been smoking that long - about 2 or 3 years now. I didn't smoke for the first time until I was 23. My husband (then boyfriend) and I researched it on the internet and talked to a couple of our stoner friends before going for it. SO glad we did!!
Going on 2 years, started out about half the time was mids the other half was headies. Now its just healthy weed. No more middies
I'm, 19 and started smoking when I was 16. I've been consistantly smoking very good (almost headdies) mids, the but I get is good, and cheap enough where I can't justify the high prices for dank, but I'll occasionally grab a gram when I'm really feelin it
First time I ever smoked was when I was 14 at the end of the 8th grade summer. I remember it clearly. Me and my buddy who I always used to do bad shit with bought a gram of shit regs for $20 (stupid kids eh?) and smoked it through an apple. the weed was so shitty that it didnt even get me high. When i was 15 I started to really smoke. First time I got high was at a park with my 2 friends and a group of 6 other kids who I knew. I got wasted off half a water bottle of smirnoff and 4 bud lights and proceeded to share 2 bunts with one of my friends. I was still high the next morning. The time that I smoked that really got me to love smoking was the first time i smoked some REAL good chronic. I was 15 smoking some buds with my 39-year old cousin at his buddy's house. I got so high it was like complete and utter euphoria like my entire body felt like an orgasm. That was by far the best high I have ever gotten to date. After that I smoked blunts on a weekly basis and here I am today 4 years later.
First time was 4/20/2000 my 8th grade year. i was a fun, but i wish i wasn't such a stupid youngster. Been sent to prison for sales wit intent and have now decided just to grow for personal use. grow on my friends.
I have a friend who is probably the biggest stoner I know. He's been smoking since he was 8. He was busted smoking a joint on the playground in the 5th grade. When I was 12 in the 7th grade he tested me "wanne get high?". I texted back hell yeah. His brother picked me up and we went to some parking lot near the school and posted up. We smoked maybe 2.5gs of good kids out of his brothers mini bong. After the second hit I felt stoned, and after 2.5gs I felt like an astronaut. His older brother said he felt charitable, and thought I was cool, so he rolled us a fatty, and we smoked it while walking the 4 blocks back to school. I felt so high it was ridiculous. I didn't feel sick like some people say you can get, and I felt no paranoia whatsoever. It was incredibly psychadelic. It felt like I feel now on a low dose of LSD. My vision seemed chopped up, like when the framerate on a videogame gets sluggish. It was amazing. Every single thing I saw or heard someone say seemed to make me laugh my ass off. Towards the end I also realized how fighting and anger was such a pointless part of life. It was an amazing and mind opening experience. Love the herb forever. Peace, love, and good vibes to all.
summer of goin into 8th grade baby. Prolly the best summer, drank, smoked and got laid for the first time. my sister had just boought an ounce and i snuck in while she was gone and stole a pinch. looked up "pot" and shortly after i discovered i what a bowl is and soon to follow that i learned the old can of soda with a dent and holes trick. ii was 13 then 18 now
i dont remember how i first began getting bud or who from..but i do remember not long after i started i had a plant in the woods growin and before a week-2week trip up north i canistered all the leaves.. lol wasn't that great but i had marijuana and i felt good anyway.
first time i got really high man, i was smokin' a blunt in a back alley with like the sketchiest group. i was like man, that shit didn't even work. five minutes later it was like a scene out of a crackhead documentary, i was running around the street for dear life. what an awesome day.
The 1st time I got high, was before my homies birthday , his sisters boyfirend gave him a dub for his bday, I remeber he had a joint and we smoked it, don't remeber if that's when I learned to inhale and hold, ahh preciouse memories,iwas maby 16 or 17 but noe I'm 20, smoking dailyfor almost about 3 years
was definatly too strong for me but i only had one hit so i was ok just left the other people, went inside, watched animal planet and its been 4 years since then, things are great!