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All the strands

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by iMThrill, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. #1 iMThrill, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    Well, I already know its going to be close to impossible to get all of the strains of marijuana, but I want to try to get as many strains as possible, all with a review of YOUR experience. (Please post every strain that you have smoked, and its effects(how the high was [body or head high], how long it lasted, etc); no no-name)

    Ex. You smoked SSH, say "Super Silver Haze: My experience was etc.etc.etc."

    I did use the search function before I posted this, and I couldn't find anything. I'd just like to get as much knowledge about as many strains as possible. I'll update this post periodically, depending on how many post this gets about all the strains YOU'VE smoked, and the review of each.

    Make sure you state whether your strain is indica or sativa dominant, and if its a blend of multiple strains, try to list all the strains that it is combined with.
  2. Picked up an zip of some blue moon. Dankest strain i smoked yet, me and the girlfriend did a sample bowl from the pickup, maybe a .2 gram lil nug, after two hits each, our high was a 8/10. finished off the rest of the bowl and we were sufficiently baked xD

    but yeah the high lasted about an hour and a half with a couchy comedown. and it felt like mostly indica, with a slight but noticeable cerebral haze that was extrememly pleasant. The taste was quite robust, and the smell just as pungent, hits your lungs pretty hard.

    All in all top notch stuff, wish i took some pics, im pickin up more soon so ill add some pics.

    EDIT: good idea for a thread, im looking forward to everyone elses experiences
  3. Thanks for the reply, after I get enough of these I plan on making a small E-Book with pictures so people can identify what they have if their dealer didn't tell them, and just to review what other people have said about that certain strand.
  4. They're called strains by the way, not strands.
  5. Fixed, firefox was auto-spell-checking strains and making it say strand, no idea why.
  6. I dunno about blue moon, but Ive smoked blue dream and it was very good. Its a sativa so the come down isnt severe.

    My personal favorites are:

    The trainwreck i have right now was really REALLY good.. Ive had trainwreck a few times before, but i never remember it being this potent.. or dank. The TW i have now smells really really strong and is the stickiest weed ive ever had.

    other strains ive liked are: the truth, skywalker and bluedream
  7. I think some of you are missing my kind of "form" here. I'd like something as follows:

    Indica or Sativa Dominant:
    How many bowls of this (What size bowl) did it take to get you high:
    How was the high:
    How long the high lasted:
    The comedown:
    Rating (A, B, C, D, F):

    This way I can get a good idea of a single strain if people keep telling me the same things about it, helps me get an idea of how good it is, and what average I should rate it.

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