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All my dealers pushing one dealer wtf?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CDDIDIT, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Should i trust this? Basically on friday i was sick. I was at the community college library aka stoner palace looking for a bag. I asked three different dealers and they all tell me to buy from the same person wtf? Like none of them had weed but they all say i should buy from this one dude. The thing is the dude they are talking about is a little gang banger so i kinda don't trust it. Hes still in high school actually yet he is at my school more then he is up there. I never did end up hitting him up for the bud but idk should i try his stuff? I mean if other dealers are pushing him it must be good right? Or maybe they were just trying to set me up.
  2. Give it a shot, if you get robbed, you'll know it was a bad idea.
  3. If I were you I would just wait until someone you trusts picks up, as a general rule you shouldn't deal with people you don't trust.
  4. Last time i bought from a little shit head highshool kid he tried to sell me an 1/8th of middies and the bag wasn't even close.
  5. Maybe your guys are just nice and know someone else that has bud when they don't? And don't always trust people by their appearance, you may find out the "gang banger" is cool. Kid at my school acts like a total G around people he don't know but he's one of the chillest dudes I've met. Go for it, worst thing that'll happen is you'll get robbed. Just buy something small so you don't lose much money if that shit happens.
  6. This. Its not like your gonna get strong armed for 20 bucks, maybe just skimped, etc. Just be careful and get that herb!!
  7. in jersey there were some gang bangers that i chilled with that lived in my apartments. they were well spoken, nice and very respectable people. they wouldn't rob anyone or start shit they are there to make money and the best way they did it was to be professional about it.

    allot of gang bangers aren't all that bad if you show respect. but then again theres those few who listen to 50 cent and dmx and want to be like them.
  8. I mean if three of your regular dealers referred you to him, I think I would try it out. Not much can go wrong. Start with a gram.
  9. Do itttttt

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