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All my Dealers keep quitting. FUCK!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by StrangerJuice, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Ok it started out my dealer was this dude from school. I was new to smoking and didnt know prices at the time. He was ripping me off and continued to do so. Well about a year later i met one of now my good friends named john. Jon pretty much taught me the ropes of how to sell. Knowing this knoweledge i didnt get ripped off ever again (pretty much that these big dealers get it at 5 a g no matter how dank it is and to ask them to use a scale always)

    Well he would generally sell me my weed but i got to meet his connect.
    Chris was his name a big unmentionables trader and just a goofy lookin white dude. He would get OZ off him of dank for 70-75 per OZ and buy a QP or more at a time. i was learning about bulk.

    Well Chris decides that the feds are onto him (they endited his uncle)so he just randomly moved to arizona out of the blue. Like his girlfriend was at his house and didnt know what the fuck was going on or anything it was kinda funny but at the same time sucked.

    well now we met this dude named Rodger. He was this black dude that would like be real fucked up all the time. I didnt like getting it from him but his OZs were 80-90 ea.

    well everything was great till this dude was no where to be found. 2 days later his is arrested on 1st degree murder. FUCK. Now all my plugs have disapeared along with my buddies.And the guy in my town that used to rip me off was now just robbing/ giving people small sacks nd hiding behind his brother (his brother is 6ft 3in black and about 250lbs of muscle, one scary mofo lol)

    Well now i have no bud connects and if i wana get any bud now im paying rediculas prices (15 a G, 60 an eigth) and it sucks and i refuse to do so.

    tl;dr - Fat chicks give good head.
  2. That'll happen.
  3. Start growing, this is why I am, and lack of funds, choose autoflowering look it up!!!
  4. Nice tldr,
    In other news sorry mang :/
  5. Some kid thats like 15 is trying to sell me this "super dank shit" he claims its "fuckin beasters cuz dat loud bruh" for 25$ a FUCKING gram FUCK! lmao and id grow but i live with my parents still so meh :/ and that shit looks really hard haha
  6. #6 Ganga Lova, Jul 30, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2012
    Holy shit, where do you live that you're getting oz's for well under $100. Also, how does that make sense to get 3.5 for 60 when you're getting 15/gram? 15x4 is 60, plus you should be getting a price cut.
  7. [quote name='"StrangerJuice"']Some kid thats like 15 is trying to sell me this "super dank shit" he claims its "fuckin beasters cuz dat loud bruh" for 25$ a FUCKING gram FUCK! lmao and id grow but i live with my parents still so meh :/ and that shit looks really hard haha[/quote]

    Some kid did the same to me. I just looked him in the eyes and said " that's fucking stupid" and walked away.
  8. So do I, Im growing outdoors, in the park :D try it!!!!!
  9. I live in a small town so if i walk to a spot day to day then people would check that shit out or get to talkin and these people cant shut the fuck up for the life of them. also I usually only paid 5 a g cause my connects Grew and gave dirt cheap prices for bulk (qp's and up)
  10. Oh if you find a good place you should consider it, damn I pay £10 a gram, are you in england?
  11. My delears girl is serving while he's locked

    My cousin is locked and my boy got robbed for 20 gs so I already know how hot shit is this summer

    All three were good Delears btw

  12. Evidently not... :bongin:
  13. Happened to me too, I had an awesome dealer who would always have a sac ready the minute I called and I could just pick it up whenever I was ready. He moved to a new house and became the middle man, so if I wanted an ounce he had to take my money, go of to an undisclosed location for 30 minutes, then come back. Then all of a sudden his phone got shut off and I had to call his GF, and he always insisted he was going to get it turned back on. After that I was just like fuck this went on a nice long T-Break.

    Sorry for hijacking your thread a little :laughing: Where you living that you get prices that good on Ounces? Or are you buying some straight shwag?
  14. Lol my main dude fucking shot sombody in broad daylight 5 times with a glock which if you dont know is loud as mother fucker... fucking idiots these days dude but the guy could grow some goddamn pot lol

  15. Missouri usually zips run about 150-250 but i knew the growers
  16. Occupational hazard.

  17. What's with your "that'll happen" responses? I know we're all stoned, it is GRASScity, but put some thought into man. It's more fun that way. :eek:

  18. Good to me as in admitting mistakes, fronting, giving deals etc

    But even still it's an illegal trade don't be a smartass, I don't deal with little nickel and dime punks like you.
  19. [quote name='"StrangerJuice"']Ok it started out my dealer was this dude from school. I was new to smoking and didnt know prices at the time. He was ripping me off and continued to do so. Well about a year later i met one of now my good friends named john. Jon pretty much taught me the ropes of how to sell. Knowing this knoweledge i didnt get ripped off ever again (pretty much that these big dealers get it at 5 a g no matter how dank it is and to ask them to use a scale always)

    Well he would generally sell me my weed but i got to meet his connect.
    Chris was his name a big unmentionables trader and just a goofy lookin white dude. He would get OZ off him of dank for 70-75 per OZ and buy a QP or more at a time. i was learning about bulk.

    Well Chris decides that the feds are onto him (they endited his uncle)so he just randomly moved to arizona out of the blue. Like his girlfriend was at his house and didnt know what the fuck was going on or anything it was kinda funny but at the same time sucked.

    well now we met this dude named Rodger. He was this black dude that would like be real fucked up all the time. I didnt like getting it from him but his OZs were 80-90 ea.

    well everything was great till this dude was no where to be found. 2 days later his is arrested on 1st degree murder. FUCK. Now all my plugs have disapeared along with my buddies.And the guy in my town that used to rip me off was now just robbing/ giving people small sacks nd hiding behind his brother (his brother is 6ft 3in black and about 250lbs of muscle, one scary mofo lol)

    Well now i have no bud connects and if i wana get any bud now im paying rediculas prices (15 a G, 60 an eigth) and it sucks and i refuse to do so.

    tl;dr - Fat chicks give good head.[/quote]

    You were getting OZ's of dank for 75$? And now you can only get Eighths of dank for 60$? Sounds like you were getting mids before.
  20. [quote name='"Jamaican Hotbox"']

    Some kid did the same to me. I just looked him in the eyes and said " that's fucking stupid" and walked away.[/quote]

    Don't call him stupid until you've seen the bud! I mean, the odds are that he's just trumping prices on shitty or mediocre buds but he might have something crazy.

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