All kinds of Terrorism

Discussion in 'Politics' started by SmokinP, Aug 17, 2016.

  1. Kurdish-majority city of Şırnak (Turkey) being razed by Turkey after military operations destroyed the city. If this were Israel doing this to a Palestinian city, there would be international outrage, and rightly so, but since it's Turkey, and no BDS agenda can be pushed, meh.

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  2. Sick. The saddest part is as you pointed out nobody seems to give a flying fuck about the Kurds.

    You have raised an interesting point Twisted, people need to be made more aware of what the Kurds have endured and continue to endure.

    It took years of tireless campaigning by supporters of the Palestinian people to make the world aware of the injustices they endured and even longer for people to give a fuck.

    I have been trying to raise awareness of the suffering of the Palestinians for over 25yrs now and it is only in the last 2 years or so that I can see any progress being made. BDS has been the game changer.

    Keep pushing, keep raising awareness and don't give up. People will listen eventually. The Kurds have shown themselves to be deserving of our respect and support for the brave and noble efforts they have made to defeat the ISIS scum that have invaded their lands.
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  3. In Iraq and Syria it's a toss up on possible sovereignty. Turkey and Iran on the other hand, will be continued to be oppressed by the states. If Turkey leaves NATO, this could persuade US, Canada, and Europe to remove PKK from their terror list which would be huge as it would legitimize the organization in a way.
  4. I'm with you two on having respect for the Kurds, all throughout the era of Saddam they stayed in their homeland and have proved themselves to be one of the best military's in the levant.
    I hit rock bottom a year back and was close to getting my ticket to go and fight with them in the north of Iraq after speaking to a few of private contractors in the local pub they convinced me it would be relatively easy to gain access to the north but I realised I didn't have half the balls I thought I did.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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  5. If I were to do that I'd go to Syria or Turkey, not northern Iraq.
  6. you make it seem like they did it on purpose.
    do you think they bombed the hospital on purpose?
    im not sure what group does it, palestine people maybe?...maybe they all do, but dosnt one terror group like to operate out of schools? launching mortar at the israeli army....

    bombing a hospital would bring unwanted attention and cause problems, what positive outcome would come of it? it would also piss off your local population. you need the support of your people or you are not going to last long in power
    you wanna know what i think?
    fuck it, i think al quada acheived their objective with their 9-11 attack. the country has changed so much since

    .before 9-11, no one gave a fuck about any of that. now they talk about it alot more. they get their message out more. the us goverment dedicates alot of money to fight them. they are getting more funding from more sources. even american citizens are joining their ranks
    our side uses the attack, use it as a cover, a pathway to implement a larger goverment. all those new laws and regulations from the patriot act cost money. they imposed more restrictions on the citizens. they give more power to law enforcement. going to the bank is always a bitch. got to build up the military machine. so i consider history when predicting the future but i dont know if its true or if it is folklore, but i remember them saying the president allowed the attack on pearl harbor. look at how strong he became when the us jumped into the war. same thing. twin towers go down and goverment came in and gobbled up more power.

    school shooters are always doing it for them selves.
    terrorist are doing it for the greater good
    but both people seem to attack the same way and kind of place....a place that is weak and where noone has a means to protect themselves

  7. hey mean this one? lol

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  8. I don't know if they did it on purpose or not.

    Maybe they used the Israeli logic that there might be "terrorists" located there so bomb the fuck out of it, who knows?
  9. Isnt that the truth.

    Under the vatican you can add finance as well.

    Follow the money!

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