All in one thread!?

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by weedidas, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. #1 weedidas, Sep 22, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2008
    How many people are getting sick of like 10-20+ threads being made per day just for showing your weed, or piece pics? Nothing against the posters.

    I mean, when I see any thread posted, and come back to this forum the next day, it's like 3 pages back. There are sooooo many threads being posted due to high population (lol) on the forum and almost half of them are weed or piece pics threads.

    I think there should be 2 sticky threads. Maybe 3. one for posting you weed(bud, keif, hash, etc), one for your pieces(pipes, bongs, vapes, etc), one for HOMEMADE pieces, just like on a lot of forums, it makes it so much cleaner and convenient.
  2. It takes away from people being able to have individual threads to themselves to show off their wares.
  3. I agree to some extent but there is a " \t\t\t \t\t\t \t\t\tThe Official “This is Where I Blaze” Picture Thread!". doesn't that take away for that? I have been on other forums that have these single threads and it works out well. I just think it's better because it's cleaner, you can still get compliments and things, and people only have go through single threads to be in weed or piece pic heaven. lol

  4. And if they were all in one thread, you'd come back and it would be like 10 pages back. :p

    I think the current system is fine, personally.

    For things like pieces, there are some I want to see and some I don't. I don't want to look through pages after pages in a "pieces" thread to see what I wanna see. It's much easier when someone makes a thread where the title details exactly whats inside, and then you know if you even want to bother looking or not.

    If they were all in one thread, I think Recreational Marijuana Use would become a pretty useless forums. Basically every post would belong in a sticky. We'd just have 2 or 3 stickied threads with a bajillion and a half pages of shit that you'd have to have all the time in the world to look through.

    That may have not made any sense. I'm high.

    But still, I think the current system is better. :smoking:
  5. Pretty much exactly how I feel about it. I make my own compilation threads oftentimes. Sometimes, when it's something special, I like individual posts. If you prefer your pictures and whatnot in one thread, by all means, go for it. A few of us do it that way.

  6. Yeah, I think specific people putting all their stuff in one thread is a cool idea. Making your own thread for your pickups and glass, and just keep updating it. Keeps things tidy without having to consolidate everything into 3 stickied threads. :p
  7. Word.
  8. Uhhh. This is a stoner forum. This is what we do. I like looking at others threads because it makes me focus on that pipe and stash making me see the detail i wouldnt see if i was seeing them all on one page.. i'd be like "oh nice pipe! oh NICER pipe! OH NICER PIPE!!!.." and i'd never appreciate eachs tokers own piece, and give them the one on one connection.


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