Alien visitors, fact or fiction?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by JesusC, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. there's no reason why they wouldn't exist, why do we exist. there are so many more galaxies. there's a theory that we haven't encountered any aliens becuase once they get to our stage of technology they end up destroying eachother like what is going to happen to us soon.

  2. You're missing the point. Firstly, an approximate size for the universe doesn't mean that we think it is that size, it means that's as near as we can get the measurements at present, it doesn't mean that we're guessing. We know the age of the Universe to within an error range of a few million years. Not perfect, but very close. You're also still assuming that the universe is infinite, when it's not.


  3. Sure it does...

    In fact, thats exactly what it means. Approximations are guesses my friend.

    Approximate = Estimate

    Estimate = Educated guess (in some cases)

    Educated guess = Guess

    Unless you are completely accurate and postive in your claims, then all you are doing is guessing at that point. Even if your guessing (or approximations) is backed by some scientific evidence, nevertheless its still a guess.

    So I think you're the one who is missing the point here. Unless you know something for sure, you can only guess...which is exactly what we are doing when it comes to the age of the Universe.

    I would rephrase that statement into "we THINK we know the age of the Universe...."

    Which is just another way of saying we dont know.

    You're claiming it isnt, when it could be.

  4. Black holes? maybe
  5. Well black holes aren't actual "holes".

    Anyway, JesusC, let's agree to disagree. It's all just semantics anyway. As I understand your argument, because we can only guess the age of the universe, we thusly cannot know, and because we cannot know for certain, it must be infinite. Not saying your wrong for sure, just that in terms of science today, the Big Bang is a more plausible theory for the universe. And who knows? The great things about science in my opinion are the great paradigm shifts that take place..
  6. Aliens could have come 3000 years back and see a very primitive planet, and 3000 years to us doesn't mean anything to aliens, they could exist from 1 year to 1 000 000. We need a mentor race to help us out... god knows we need it.

  7. agreed...

    I think we can all agree that the Universe is a very complex thing....assuming its even a "thing". I would honestly be dissapointed if we were able to unlock the secrets of the Universe so quickly in our evolution: how old it is or how it happend or why it happend. It would seem to me that if we were able to figure out those things so quickly, the Universe must not be all that complex.

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