So i was in this huge field with a couple of buddies and we just got done smoking when we see this bright ass light in the sky. It was large and glowing and not moving. then a second light that looked exactly the same came and they started rotating around each other for a solid minutes. A third light came and the three formed a perfect triangle and it started rotating in this position. then one by one they turned into flashing blue and red lights and fizzled out into the distance. It was crazy Anyone else have some crazy alien or ufo stories?
It was definitely Ammonia gas leaking off from the field and electricity from the local power lines ignited the gas making a blue light in the sky thats one of my favorite MacGyver episodes man. shit. I might put that one in my DVD player tonight
well they werent blue, they were all white. and i saw all of them enter from different places in the sky then kinda floated over. and they were over a city not over the field
Just weather balloons...Nothin' to see here folks. See a lot of weird flyin' shit in the mountains, of course, those are just weather balloons as well...Move along.
When i smoke i get very paranoid , i hear my neighbours talking in a fearful mode , ufo's coming and scarying me for no reason creating the lowest reasonable situation trips that a stoner can afford...Anyone feels like that or ever had a similiar trip and some advices would be great , i smoke alone and usualy watch movies.Yesterday i watched Fear And Loathing , it blew me and i want to see Matrix and Fight Club but im very scared to smoke again from the FEAR i get.I'm a very possitive person , i smoke alone and when my high ends i feel like im in HELL for about 1-2 hours.Maybe its the quality of the weed but i cant choose ... Don't tell me QUIT IT cos i wont (the thing that scares me mostly are the voice tones that i hear , like evil voices or the ego dying or ???? ) PEACE
not exactly alien or ufo but i've seen this in person two or three times....pretty cool when smoking [ame=]Oxford Motorcycle Light Ghost - YouTube[/ame] There's better videos on Youtube, but this was the shortest one
lol one time me and my big brother got high and chilled in front of my friends house . and then we saw some shiny thing floating in the sky it wasnt a baloon it wasnt the moon . For the past year we've been convinced it was a Ufo lmfao
I was at my pool chilling at like 2 am, and a giant red fireball flew across the sky. I didnt really think anything of it until I saw a military helicopter fly after it. UFO i fucking swear.
I was smoking with a friend one time on a patch of grass in the middle of no where and we saw what looked like a shooting star going on a downwards left angle across the sky with a trail and everything then all of a sudden it stopped for half a second and shot directly upwards and disappeared into the sky. Cant really explain it couldnt have been a man made object or a meteorite, cause it changed directions pretty much turning right around in the sky. It was mind blowing cant explain it still to this day.
Well it could possibly be the existence of an ancient civilization that's gonna probe all of us, or you were smoking some dank shit and was trippin'.
Back when I was a young lad I lived in the boonies. Not just the boonies but the mother fucking boonies. Nobody for what seemed to be miles and miles. Well one night I was asleep, wake up hearing a scream. No biggie but who the fuck could be screaming I brushed it off as just waking up from a dream. Next thing I know its like headlights coming down a driveway. I look out and see a big green 18 wheeler heading for the house. It stopped in our yard and I was kind of freaking out. It turned off it's headlights and I go to tell my dad. This takes all but 30 seconds and the driveway goes through 5 acres before even getting to the house. We go outside and there aint fucking shit there.. Pretty sure aliens took that fucker.. Still gives me chills since it was so vivid.. Big green 18 wheeler disappearing in a matter of seconds? lol got a lil off topic, sounds more like a ghost story but.. aliens and truckers seem to go together.
You were under the influence of a psychoactive drug man, nobody is going to believe you or even come close, especially people like scientists and the army and shit lol. I'm not saying pot makes you trip out and see shit but you probably seen it out of the corner of your eye and was all high and wanted to believe it so bad so your brain produced more of the images and shit.. Human brain is very powerful. Yes i believe in aliens 100% man you have no idea how much i believe but when eyewitnesses are under drugs and use drugs probably daily it's not accurate information really. Shit half the people that seen bigfoots black ass were probably in the woods got high as shit and turned quick and their vision blured some sticks 500 ft away and it looked like what you want to believe so bad bigfoots black ass. i also believe in big foot. but when u use drugs i don't. so.. lesson here is don't use drugs and look for bigfoot or ufos because you will defiantly see something but it's not them
[quote name='"420Prospect"'] You were under the influence of a psychoactive drug man, nobody is going to believe you or even come close, especially people like scientists and the army and shit lol. I'm not saying pot makes you trip out and see shit but you probably seen it out of the corner of your eye and was all high and wanted to believe it so bad so your brain produced more of the images and shit.. Human brain is very powerful. Yes i believe in aliens 100% man you have no idea how much i believe but when eyewitnesses are under drugs and use drugs probably daily it's not accurate information really. Shit half the people that seen bigfoots black ass were probably in the woods got high as shit and turned quick and their vision blured some sticks 500 ft away and it looked like what you want to believe so bad bigfoots black ass. i also believe in big foot. but when u use drugs i don't. so.. lesson here is don't use drugs and look for bigfoot or ufos because you will defiantly see something but it's not them[/quote] I stared at those lights for a solid three minutes. and I know it want a product of me being high. I wasn't looking for shit, I've never done any hallucinogens, I'm not trying to convince scientists and especially not the army or anything just sharing a story