Alice in Wonderland

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by SkyWalker093, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. Anyone ever heard of the Alice in Wonderland syndrome. I saw it on tv one day and couldn't believe it was real because I suffer from it. I didn't know it had a name or other people had it. It happens at night when I'm laying down in bed. Everything starts to feel like its really far away like your like through a pair of binoculars, but through the wrong end and stuff seems to get bigger and smaller. It's happening right now to me so that's why I'm writing this. Anyone else get this?
  2. Sounds like some form of Astral Projection to me
  3. I don't know if it's called Alice in wonderland syndrome, but that's how the television show compared it to. I used to get it a lot as a child, but doesn't happen as often anymore.
  4. Well according to what I looked up AIWS is often associated with migraines, brain tumors, and psychoactive drugs. So have any of those problems?
  5. No I don't get migraines or have ever had a brain tumor. I stopped the third one, but I've had these Episodes way before that. I can remember having them as long as I lived. It happened almost every night when I was younger, but didn't think much of it and thought it was normal. Now that I'm older I've learned there was a name for it. It doesn't negatively change my life in anyway at all. Just thought it would be interesting to share
  6. Fair enough it did mention in that thing I read that it happens more frequently in children but they usually grow out of it. And yeah it was interesting lol made me look something up haha.
  7. Yea they don't happen as much anymore. It's a really odd sensation when it happens.
  8. I bet, sounds like a really interesting phenomenon.
  9. ive had these, i still do.. sometimes, very rarely though. its mad tripy. especially if you are high when it happens :D
  10. Yes. If I'm lying in bed at night getting ready to go to sleep and I consciously notice where my hand is or something, I *feel* like my hand is comically huge. I don't know how to really describe it, but it's certainly an odd feeling. Sometimes I have to open my eyes and have a look just to make sure :laughing:

    Likewise, sometimes I feel like my bed is longer than it actually is, or my pillow has become fluffier.
  11. You don't have to explain it. I know how it feels. It's like everything is far away and sometimes everything in my room gets super close to me
  12. I've experienced it a couple times haha. I had no idea what was going on but it was pretty sweet.
  13. Yea it can be pretty cool. Unless you get the migraine headaches afterwards. So glad I don't get them
  14. Oh I get this too sometimes or I think I am turned around in my bed when I am falling asleep.
  15. You mean when you got your eyes closed right? If so thats pretty hilarious they call it 'alice in wonderland syndrome.' It's just a form of meditation, it happens automatically sometimes because you're already in a slight meditated state when you go to sleep sometimes. But you can also trigger it with a bit of practice. Its like a trance sort of thing.
  16. No it happens when my eyes are open. It can also happen when they are closed
  17. Yeh heard of it before. It's like having an unmentionable trip :D
  18. A type of vertigo maybe?

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