Algee true or false??

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Growing' started by jb1128, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. real quick I was reaing someplace on line a how to Mj hydro grow and the guy who wrote it says that even though algge can clog you pluming and air stones and is gross to look at the algge will not cause any direct harm to the plants..does this guy know what he is talking about or should he be wipped with the main stem of a tall plant?????
  2. algae is bad for your roots
  3. thats what I thought..
  4. no algae is not harmful to plants roots, it will not cause root rot. algae is part of a healthy eco system.
    with that said, algae can attract pest, use up nutrients/ water. and it is unsightly . best bet is to control it
  5. Damnit to hell with contradictions

    I need some scientifical data but I have heard both it may be bad and it may not be bad.Ive read more on it being okay than not okay though
  6. lol... its a plant its self, plants can push out other plants, but thats the only harm it can do, but the algae has to get way out of control
  7. ive been growing cannabis for almost 15 years. and been gardening sine i was a kid. ive had a lot of different set ups, and a lot of failures. ive never seen algae impact in a negative way, and if it does, its not noticeable, especially when small blooms happen in a small rez.

    most algae are edible. why would it be toxic to another edible plant?

    but yeah, still control it. it will use up resources your cannabis needs. and its unsightly
  8. Do you have anything on algae creating root rot if left untreated?
  9. your prob right, it would cause root rot if it grew on the roots and went untreated. it would suffocate them.
  10. I think thats what happened to me.

    I was using tap, had light leaks, and high res temps.I also was using organics if that matters.It started growing on the roots then made them fall off.

    Luckily Im using coco and roots had been established in the pots otherwise I would have lost some plants.
  11. high water temps in them self will cause root rot. warm water holds less O2. stave the roots of O2 and they rot

    yeah its a pain in the ass when things are not dialed in

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