Not that brand, but yes many of use alfalfa meal or ground up alfalfa pellets (pet store available). Alfalfa meal is a complete and very well balanced NPK fertilizer, with the ratios basically perfect. It also has many other metabolites and plant growth regulators (pgrs). It can be hot when nutrient cycling in a soil mix, so at least a short nutrient cycling period is recommended. If its top dressed, no cycling time is required with regards to heat. I use a couple tAblespoons in soil mixes, and like it as. top dress. HTH Cheers os
Not sayin you can't but a little goes a long way. I add it to my soil mix when making a new batch. Back in the day 40 lb bags were cheap & it fed my compost like crazy. If your soil is decent???
It’s probably my favorite amendment. ^^^ I used an entire 40lb bag in this big planter box. It was filled with sod that had a nasty weed that grew from tubers. I was hoping to burn it up and kill it off. Didn’t work. I threw some potatoes in there and covered em up with about a foot of straw. For the longest time I would sub alfalfa for neem whenever a soil mix called for it. Great for composting too if you have C sources around but are lacking N. It contains the hormone triacontanol. (sp) The seeds are somewhat allelopathic and can be used for weed suppression around established plants. RD
a pinch for pot plants goes a long way, best used in garden grows where the soils find their own Ph as it goes well in acid soils, my buddy keeps in an old ammo chest, as rats KILL for it from memory the NPK sucks the bag says 212? for weed thats low at least for me
Don't let the npk #'s make you think it's weak, it's an organic rocket fuel for many organisms from microbes - horses.
I didn't have any Alfalfa when I re-amended my raised bed so I just topped dressed around my zucchini plant, it got crazy big. This picture was taken the first part of August. . It was half again that size by the season's end. I couldn't begin to tell you how many zucchini we got off that plant.