Alcohol on Demand

Discussion in 'General' started by lilankiel66, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. Does anyone else feel like lately these days alcohol is basically being shoved down our throats?

    I mean i love drinking and all, but i smoke way more often than i drink. It just seems like there is a rediculous amount of advertising for beer and vodka and tequila nowadays. Its like since tobacco and cannabis arent AS socially acceptable to other people (i mean when your talking to the people you dont know very well or relatives, or even just posting on twitter/facebook).

    So because of this, drinking has become the number one gulity pleasure for people, and its like people just assume your supposed to drink every night. I know its not everyone, but personally i know so many people that drink night in and night out and it just got to the point where it hit me hard. And i guess i get bad hangovers and dont sleep well at all, so i really dont enjoy the next morning/afternoon until i hit a nice bowl, which only so much.

    Fuck this weed prohibition.

    Anyone agree?
  2. I can't even recall how many alcohol-related Facebook status updates I've seen.
  3. After one beer im already puking all over the place, skipping the whole drunk part and going strait for the hangover part. So its all of the bad things and none of the good things. Thats why I dont drink.
  4. I agree with the advertising problem, but I still find that a Rye and Coke and a packed bong is the best way to relax.:smoke:
  5. I love my alcohol, but I agree there is too much advertising on TV nowadays.

    What TV needs is nug porn.. advertising local dispensaries.
  6. Alcohol is nice but if you think about it, it's so.. mainstream. Some drink because they like it and the chameleons drink to be accepted.
  7. Try using spell check, before you talk about what is or isn't right..

    Alcohol is not being shoved down anybody's throats, it's a choice..That's like say is McDonald's being forced down your throat...

    Fast Food and Restaurants take up like 75% of advertising

    Don't drink if you don't want to, but without advertising, some wouldn't know a certain brew never existed...Just Sayin...

    It's a choice...

    I Prefer nice beer, over a joint since I am on a T-Break..

    It's a commercial, not a demand...this is not to bright a thread...

  8. I think you've missed his point. His post was saying there is so much advertisement going on, it feels like the industries are shoving alcohol down the viewers throats.

    IMO, they glorify drinking too much, it's great and all, but I'm sure others like myself would take a bowl over a beer.
  9. What time is it?

    Beer 30

    Dumbest, most targetted towards teenager beer brand ever.
  10. I think you missed my point, I understood his point or lack there of...there is more advertising about fast food than alcohol and beer...and thats fact, you see a bud light and budweiser commercial(been here forever) and now captain morgans...there isn't much of a difference...

    this threads view on said topic is far to vague to even stir up an argument..

    Saying that people glorify drinking to much is indeed your opinion, whereas the fact there are more McDonald's commercials than there are beer commercials is a fact..

    Just because there is a commercial about drinking, doesn't mean they are telling you to drink it...or forcing you to for that matter...
    I a
  11. All advertising is an attempt at manipulation. Yes, it's a choice, but you can be damn sure they want to try and get you to buy their product.
  12. #12 MadMunchies101, Oct 9, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2010
    I'm yet to see a commercial advertising "You should drink a 750 of jack each and every night, because that's what Americans do"

    More like. "Why don't you sit back, relax, drink a bud light and watch football"

    Yes, alcohol commercials suggest you should drink their product, but they're doing the same thing as supermarkets, toy stores, fast food restaurants, etc...

    I've seen just as many "My friends and i just hit our new Marley bong and ate maddd fish tacos."
    as i've seen "I woke up 3 states away from where i started my night."

    It's all the same.
  13. It always has been shoved down our throats.
    Commercials, posters, society etc.
    Everyone i know drinks. And about 2 years ago i used to be exactly the same.
    But now I've found the herb :smoke: I dont touch it.
  14. Ohhh mannn that fucking Mcdonalds Prohibition was fucking horrible!!! So glad there are tons of commericials now so I can go grab it whenever I want.

    But really hes trying to point out somehting that was so abolished before is glorified and it is shoved down our throats because the advertisers try and relate to the consumers lives which is why commercials aren't infomercials.

    If there was a commercial about some normal business CEO going through his normal day, coming home to his wife and kids, then sparking up a joint of White Widow and he smiles with the dispensary name above him EVERYONE would jump on weed like alcohol. Its also about product placement, wait till movies start using (possible) weed convenient stores on what not...

    WEED ON DEMAND prop 19 :smoke:
  15. I really, really, really don't want to start seeing cannabis advertisements like that. If cannabis does end up getting legalized, the advertisements will be a big annoying down side.
  16. It's gotten to the point where if you go to college and you don't drink, you're weird. That's happening because alcohol companies have been advertising and drilling this into our society ever since prohibition ended.
  17. I was born relaxed and happy. I don't need alcohol.

    The high school/college mentality of "lets get super fucked up" lost its appeal a long time ago, but for most of my peers it's still a great idea!

    I'll smoke my stuff but save the drinks for nice meals and weddings and music festivals.
  18. T breaks arent your thing are they guy? lighten up, im just saying that alcohol is being praised by jesus these days and weed is still considered evil- just so the government can make billions from it each year. Im just sick of weed being considered evil by so many, while people die from alcohol every freakin second. wake up dude

  19. alcohol use is fucking ridiculous these days go to a high school or college and find out the percent that drink and the percent taht don't then compare, atleast thats what i wanna see
  20. Good point. While it's simple to turn off your television, switch the radio station, or skip over magazine ads that advertise tobacco and alcohol, most people that are introduced to binge drinking are college students. Like you said, it's kind of a cultural taboo if you are a college student that doesn't drink; and I'm not even talking moderately, but to excess.

    Most of the people I know who dropped (or failed) out of school simply came to the conclusion when they went off to the dorms, "Oh, hey, I'm free! Parties every night on my parents' dime!" And then, next thing you know, they forgot about the whole college thing and it all came to a close very quickly.

    While this is almost always due to having very controlling parents that weren't straight with these kids about anything, the blame shouldn't be taken completely out of the students' hands either.

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