I can't find ALBUMS.... my album... or any to start another one... I saw someone had an album... So I went back to my profile , but still can't find it.
Yeah, I did look at that... But didn't see mine. I saw someone had a "spot" that said Album But I don't see it on my profile . When I posted a picture... I see my pictures in there...But where is there ? Can we bring "there" to my profile page?
hover over your avatar on the upper right hand corner of the page, select "Your Profile Page" then click on the media tab above the "update your status" bar.
I did not see a media tab on your profile.... Maybe they are not finished transferring the photos. Have you tried this? From the forum home page, click on media at the top, then select either "My Media" or "My Albums"
With that Media button... I can find my album... It's like parking your car three houses down the block....in the garage...
I am Groot If you have hard time finding something , why don't you simply check the media search and searched for your content. All is simply there