I will go to an artist and put all their songs on Shuffle or go to my recently added and listen to it in order. Sometimes I'll go to specific albums and put it on shuffle, depends on what I feel like listening to.
but you shuffle? i do that sometimes if im casually listening , but to listen to something and appreciate it, i like to go start to finish...like the artist is a writer and the album is a book.
I am totally against shuffling. It's just retarded to purposely mix up the songs hat the artist already put in an order. Also when I'm listening to live shows I always listen to the show from start to finish, pretty much to simulate actually being there.
you should listen to pink floyd the wall. or if not that then another concept album or live show, but any album works ^ yeah im with you on that, chili peppers live when you get to hear flea's bass or frusciante's guitar, definatly is close to simulating bein there live.
Kid Cudi is really really untalented Start to finish is the best way to listen to an album American Beauty Dark Side of the Moon Rubber Soul Revolver Sgt. Pepper's White Album Abbey Road Deja Vu Axis: Bold as Love Illmatic Ready to Die
sadly there arent too many albums with every song being good...so im a playlist kinda guy...ill name a few albums i can listen the whole way through: all pink floyd (besides the wall...im a HUGE PF fan but i hate the wall...i think it sucks with the exception of a few songs), zeppelin, late beatles stuff, jimi hendrix, slightly stoopid rage Against the machine (self titled album) MgMt - Ocular spectacular OK computer - radiohead californication, stadium acraduim -RHCP Superunknown - soundgarden 10,000 days, lateralus - Tool idk maybe more but thats all i can think of