Alaska must release Palin e-mails by May 31, state AG declares

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Ezy Ryder, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Open Channel - Alaska must release Palin e-mails by May 31, state AG declares

    The state of Alaska has until May 31 to release about 25,000 pages of e-mails from former Gov. Sarah Palin and senior members of her administration, the state attorney general declared Wednesday.
    As we reported last month, by May the delays in dealing with public records from the Palin administration will have stretched out longer than the Palin administration itself. She was governor for 966 days. By May 31, the request from for the official records will be 986 days old. State regulations usually require records to be made available within 10 days, but state officials said they were overwhelmed by the volume of the e-mails.
    Officials in the governor's office asked the attorney general to approve a 15th delay in the process, until May 31. That request was approved Wednesday by the new attorney general, John J. Burns.
    But Burns said this deadline is firm:
    "I am granting the requested extension with the unequivocal expectation that all requested records that are not privileged will be provided no later than May 31, 2011," Burns wrote in a letter to the administrative director of the governor's office. He sent a copy of the letter to the news organizations and citizens who have requested records, including ( also pressed the Obama administration to release more of its White House visitor logs.)
    The other requestors are the Associated Press, Mother Jones magazine, Republican activist Andreé McLeod and author Geoffrey Dunn. Journalists and citizens requested records on Palin's administration in the summer of 2008, when she vaulted onto the national stage after Sen. John McCain chose her as his running mate in his quest for the White House. (David Corn of Mother Jones reported Monday that McLeod has received threats because of her persistent requests for Palin records.)
    As it did with an earlier release of Todd Palin's e-mail, plans to post the e-mails online in a searchable archive, finally making the public records available to the public. This archive will be a joint effort of, Mother Jones, and the nonprofit investigative news organization, Pro Publica.

    The reference by Burns to "records that are not privileged" refers to the process, as allowed by law, for the state to withhold records, or parts of records, if release would violate privacy of individuals or meet other exemptions in the public records law. "Although further delay clearly is far from desirable," he wrote, "I find that on balance a careful review best serves the public's multiple interests - including the interests both in a transparent government and in protecting privileged and confidential information from inadvertent disclosure."
    Burns said state officials haven't been dragging their feet.
    "The Governor's Office has not been idle or dilatory," he wrote. "The Governor's Office has responded to several other very broad requests for Governor Palin's emails, including eight requests that required review of over 25,000 pages. Due to limitations of the state's email system, just collecting the email records responsive to those requests took several months."
    The full background on our request and the delays is in our previous articles, below:

    Quest for Palin e-mails may exceed her time in office

    Want Palin's e-mails? That'll be $15 million

    Yes, we're still waiting to read Palin's e-mails

    Search the archive of Todd Palin e-mails

    Palin e-mails reveal a powerful 'first dude'

    Palin lawyer responds to story

    (Click the link at the top of the page to read these articles)
  2. lmao at msnbc, trying to act like journalists

    hope they get released, im (sort of) interested in what kind of stuff she would send out. probably just boring "offensive" jokes
  3. 1: MSNBC is a cunt with dirty laundry.

    2: Doesn't Palin deserve some privacy?... like everyone else?

    3: why should governers release their emails? Thats weird???
  4. Shes being accused of conducting state affairs over private email.
    You know the sorts of things that are supposed to be public record.
  5. :laughing: this should be interesting, probably pretty boring.
  6. What's so special about that bitch's emails?

    I'm sure it'll be full of mindless, dumb crap.

    But if anything scandalous is in there I'm all
    for it, anything that keeps her dumb ass out
    of the oval office is a win.
  7. They're running low on non-issues.
  8. 2. not as a public employee she doesn't

    3. transparency of government.

    (i left out 1. because i think its a given)
  9. i hope she e-mailed someone nude pics.

  10. Well, i thought they wanted her personal emails at the time, like or something lol.

    Its funny though how they raise this, because the left is never ever ever transparent "We will just have to pass the bill to find out whats in it?"

    come on....
  11. For real neither side is transparent you don't really have to single out one side of the aisle here.

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