
Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by scrogg420, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. I swear to god if medical marijuana isnt on the balliot in alabama next year i will lose all hope in humanity.... any one with me


    This is like if that Blue Oyster shit met that Afghan Kush I had - and they had a baby. And then, meanwhile, that crazy Northern Light stuff I had and the Super Red Espresso Snowflake met and had a baby. And by some miracle, those two babies met and fucked - this would the shit that they birthed.
  2. Its not even in New York yet. Alabama will be one of the last states to get mmj. It will prob be legal nationwide before that happens
  3. Roll tide. But hey, put your faith in colorado washington and oregon. Hopefully that will be a huge wake up call for all of america once they see marijuana legalization in the headlines. It is sad living in bama and feeling super paranoid about the cops. But hey things will get better, we cant keep wasting money like this on mj. One day the south will realize

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