AL Gore says snow does not disprove global warming ...hey Al Gore ........

Discussion in 'General' started by frizzlefry421, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Go fuck yourself !
  2. Snow doesn't disprove global warming.

    And show some respect, he invented the internet.
  3. It's global climate change not warming.

  4. And it's not man made
  5. they changed the name because they realized they could be wrong, sigh
  6. Yea every volcano that erupts destroys the o zone more thanwe ever have or will.
  7. I think it's pretty ignorant for humans to say that because of the last century of modernization that this could truly affect the entire earth.
  8. The Earth has been through alot worse things over it's long ass lifetime, this shit goes through cycles, things change and always will be, I doubt we'll be the ones to completely destroy the Earth.
  9. It clearly has an effect. What do you think acid rain is? :rolleyes:
    This thread should be full of :rolleyes:'s soon enough

    Climate change is a natural cycle that occurs regularly on this planet, but we are absolutely accelerating this 'round'.
  10. Except Fox News is who started using climate change first as a means of downplaying the severity of global warming. Then when people actually started using the term climate change Fox News accused them of trying to downplay the severity to appeal to more people. Classy.

    Increased snowfall doesn't disprove climate change by the way, but seeing as the first post was overflowing with intelligent rhetoric I should have known this thread would be a winner.
  11. He also said he did not have sexual relations with that woman.
  12. In before:

    Man bear pig
    I'm super cereal
  13. Manbearpig, I'm super cereal.

  14. starting now

  15. Atleast I got in before it started :devious:
  16. The climate and weather have been going through cycles since the beginning, it would be strange if the weather stayed static.

    They just want to instate a carbon tax for more control.

    That being said, our throw away society and lack of empathy for the environment could very possibly cause our demise - but I don't think it will be due to carbon emissions.

    "The planet is fine, the PEOPLE are fucked." - George Carlin

    "You threw your babies away. And you threw your swords away. You threw your golf clubs and your tasty treats! And ya know what? I found 'em. And I'm gonna raise all of them!"

  17. yeah because the same folks who think the "flintstones " was a documentry know so much about science...
  18. regardless of whether human activity impacts climate change

    al gore was right in that we have to move towards renewable energy sources and fast.

    Oils gonna run out soon and our entire economy depends on it.

    Shit energy is everything. Gotta legalize hemp! cut all government subsidies to oil companies. and pray for the best. ill do one of these cauz they're fun :rolleyes: and i do believe we have had a significant impact on the environment.

  19. Lol @ al gore inventing the Internet. No he absolutely did not.

    - peace, joy, love, and light
  20. :rolleyes: I see someone doesn't get the reference....

    And yeah, global warming is bullshit. We need to switch to nuclear energy AND FAST.

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