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*~AL caPOne's Pick up thread~*

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by AL caPOne, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. #1 AL caPOne, Sep 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2010
    I've made a good many pick up threads so i'm just going to make this my permanent one...

    I'm gonna start it off with some old pictures and then progress to the newest pictures!

    Thanks for lookin and enjoy! :smoking:

    Orange Crush
    Keif Snap
    Lemon Diesel

    No name
    Apple Bubbler

    blueberry hybrid

    No Name



    Blueberry X Afghan
    left is called purple punch... right is still blueberry x afghan

    close up on purple punch

    more no name

    thats it for now.... i'll be posting more up within a few days :smoking::smoking:
  2. Whoa... color me green.
  3. Awesome buds....all around. Nice glass too. +rep
  4. beautiful nugs man. cant wait to see more :)
  5. Nice buds man. That black one is a Trikky? I like it very much.
  6. thanks for the rep

    thanks man, ill have some up in a couple of days

    yeah it is a trikky and thank you!
  7. B U M P

    more of that lemon diesel. and some GDP hash
  8. :eek:

    Very nice!
  9. damn... where is the love at?
  10. that's some dank there man!
  11. Rasta say smoke, smoke

    [ame=]YouTube - Tribal Seeds - Herby[/ame]

  12. thats some good looking bud right there, damn.:hello:
  13. Siiick man, loving the hash, looks tasty!
  14. thats amazing man, love the song, tribal seeds is the shit. you should listen to some rebelution dude.
    how was that grand daddy purple hash?
  15. Nice pickups, love the hash
  16. Hell yeah bro, nice pick ups. I think people around here kinda get spoiled with good weed pics... but I never get tired of seein em! Good lookin chunk of hash too! Have had to make mine lately... theres NONE around here
  17. hell yeah man, i love tribal seeds. i have rebelutions new cd too.

    the gdp hash was immaculate man. i would pack a little ball (like .15-.2) in my one hitter and it would smoke for like 4 or 5 hits. fuckin amazing

    thanks brotha,

    i can't find any hash around here anymore either. it sucks

    this bud looks amazing, but i think if i had a better camera they would look siiick
  18. oh. my. god
  19. Little bit of an update....

    some no name fruity bud... smoked great
    High times 35th anniversary

    buddies new pipe... named "Bob"

    some other no name


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