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AK 47, Crackerjack, Super Fire Haze, Blue Dream Kush

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by PunnetSquare, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. alright sorry guys no stash jar here...yet

    Im picking an oz up otnight and my 2 reliable people have those strains ranging in price from 375-400 (Shitty NY price)

    Any prefrence in which strain I should get?
  2. Check my thread for pictures of AK-47.
    Honestly, I'd go for either the Blue Dream Kush, or the AK-47.
    Those prices are rather high! I'm sorry!
  3. Get a Quarter of Each and pay in the middle of 375-400 and experience a good variety.
  4. THIS

    or AK, i love AK! plus ive never heard of crackerjack or super fire haze.
  5. Yeaa. This! :smoking:
  6. half o' ak 47 half o' blue dream
  7. First of all blue dream kush dont exist its just blue dream. They add the kush just to make it sound good. SEcond go with the AK and BLUE dream i personally find theat bluedream is stronger then ak. All i remember is taking one hit out a roach and being gone for 3 hours like legit high.
  8. The only strain I know is legit is the AK-47. Blue dream kush isn't a strain though, that's for sure.
  9. Super fire haze? LOL.

    No such thing, unless he was telling you it was some fire haze and you thought it was a strain...
  10. Ended up getting something else

    he said it was a Jack Herer indica hybrid but unsure on what the indicia was the oz was mostly large dense nugs...STINKY had the oz in my friends dads car (where we didnt even smoke) for an hour or 2 last night it still smells this morning

    Sorry bout the bad pic my phone sucks

  11. nice pickup although shitty pics but your missin out on the blue dreams, stuff the best. herer is very good also so enojoy
  12. Nice pickup mang.
  13. that would be insane if had kush in it too Blue Dream mostly a sativa is really good my favorite strain. I think its purple haze x blueberry.
  14. Nice looking buds but dude, you must grow your own. Those prices are insane.
  15. Welcome to New York the city of overpriced everything!

    twisted up a 1.1g blunt took it to the dome...shits straight fire ill see if I can get a nice pic of the crystals and hairs its very nice looking bud I just cant get shit on my phone
  16. 375-400 for that is a good price. Jack Herer in NYC goes for 425 plus. If you paid 400 for that, you got a fair deal.
  17. NY prices do suck. Its been my experience that Florida weed is dank and cheap because of the climate and the proximity to Cuba. Texas and California also have cheap and dank weed because of the climates and the proximity to Mexico. Its nice being able to have a consistent supply of cheap dank weed.

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