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Ah please help fellow grasscity members !

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Omioblivion, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. ahhh im back guys :) . Im on 6 months probation, a drug test 1 once every month.

    my first test is on july 2nd. i just took an at home drug test and passed. would i be ok to smoke some this week and still pass on july 2nd?

    i need as much info as i can get.

    thanks alot GC, its been a rough little streak for me lately. :( :smoking:
  2. Its June 3rd now... So you will have a little less than a month...

    Yeah you should be fine. I only waited two weeks and my drug test for work came back clear.

    But remember the key word is should
  3. how much did you smoke before that test watusippin?

    thanks bro.
  4. your good for smoking probably today and tomorrow. you could smoke more but i wouldn't risk it because of the consequences.
  5. alright thanks alot man.
  6. It was a long time ago so I don't really remember how much bud I was smoking... I want to say that I didn't smoke that much... Maybe two or three sessions a week
  7. u got one month, ur good. especially if its a urine test. work out and drink water regularly. if weed, for heavy use, wont show up after like 10-15 days in urine
  8. yeah man, i have all the time in the world its summer, so i can run and work out. so i think ill be pretty good if i smoke up tommorow i hope.:hello:

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