Ah Fuck

Discussion in 'General' started by DirtyPete, Dec 19, 2005.

  1. I came home from work today and my mom was like "We need to talk", it turns out she found a 3 empty robitussin bottles in my room, as well as a full bottle of robitussin, a full bottle of lighter fluid, and 2 empty bottles of lighter fluid.

    Now my parents think I'm some crazy drug chemist.

    I ended up telling them about extraction, and different enzymes in your liver and the different active ingrediants in different cough medicines, as well as the dosage levels needed for it to be dangerous. It didn't make a difference, my parents still think I'm a scumbag now.

    My mom was like "If you used the effort you put into learning about this shit into school, you would have have gotten a 4.0" She didn't seem to care that I was smart about what I do, and that I research anything I put into my body, she only saw I was doing something to alter my consciousness, and naturally was opposed. I CAN'T WAIT TO MOVE THE FUUUUUCK OUT!!!
  2. Sorry to hear man....hate how parents always overreact..too obnoxious to listen to their own kids. Hope all goes well.
  3. You should tell her what your doing is 100% legal. (For now, at least)
  4. I don't know I think if I found that in my kids room a would be upset as well. Even if you are educated about something, your are still abusing a substance in a way that is was not intended to be used. I would also be led to believe that you would be abusing other possibly harmfull household substances. Just stick to weed man.
  5. too bad man, as i read it thoughtit might get better since you were up front with them, about research and what not. anyway that is too bad 1.)they think you're a scumbag 2.) learning school isn't like learning about drugs that will fuck you up 3.) you can't move out yet

    Good luck man
  6. only reason i cant move out is because i dont have the money.

    And yea, at first my mom thought I was huffing lighter fluid, lol.
  7. I feel for ya bro, iv had the same problem happen to me many times. Me and a friend are getting an apartment after graduation this year, should be pretty sweet.

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