age to start smoking

Discussion in 'General' started by BongToker92, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. hey guys im 18 and i smoke pot but my brother is 14 and he started a few weeks ago he only does it every once in a while but do u guys think thats an appropriate age to start
  2. What age did you start?

    There's your answer

    Whether its appropriate, I can't judge, its your call
  3. No one should be smoking before age 18.
  4. I started smoking at 15-16

  5. i started at 16
  6. I dont know.
    When did you start?
    Is he Responsible?
    Does he know alot about marijuana, or is he one to not learn about it and just try it?
    Do you think he's to young?
    And last but not least.. If your parents found out, would it be worthy of your ass on the line because your "Where he learned it"?
  7. there is no "appropriate" age to start i guess. But i'd check him out, see what hes doing and if hes acting responsibly then I say let him do it.
  8. Man I started smoking when I was 14. Now I'm in a top 150 college. It really just depends on the person.
  9. yeah hes pretty responsible with it and me and my cousin have been teaching him about weed since he was about 13
  10. Yeah I think 14 is way too young. I started at 17 and I think it would have been better if I had waited until college (just for parental respect reasons). One of the few things that no marijuana group will deny is the correlation between young smokers and problems with education. Marijuana can inhibit educational development and cause kids to struggle in school if they start using it before they are fully developed. Occassional use probably won't do any real harm but it would be better if he started that occassional use around 17 or 18 so he doesn't become a daily smoker before he is fully developed. Try to sit down and explain that you've done some reading and you just want to make sure that he is making the decision fully informed of the potential consequences.

  11. i started smoking weed at 14 too!

    what about ciggies? i started that age too, one before the other lol
  12. Unfortunately yes, cigarettes came before weed. I quit after my senior year of high school, started up again like 2 months later, and am now quitting again. I'm at 1 week 2 days of no cigs.

    But hell yeah, I loved my cigs during my early days of smoking weed
  13. It really depends on the situation, where as you previously stated that you and your friend have been teaching him about weed since he was thirteen.:rolleyes:

    What my question is to you sir, is did you introduce him to the plant, or did he and his friend's happen to try it and he later told you about it? :smoking:
  14. and you would be the coolest of the cool, like the rebel cool kids at school :) lol
  15. Age doesn't matter. Get that through your head. What matters is how developed the mind is and THE REASON why your toking up.

    He can be 12,15,18,50. who cares? Depends on the situation and WHY your smoking. Some people do it to avoid pain, to be more pleaseant in their everyday lifes, to relieve stress.

    Find out WHY hes smoking, disregard the AGE hes smoking at.
  16. Age does matter because the brain is developing sometimes up to 21 years of age, it's kind of common sense that psychoactive substances are not good for a developing brain.
  17. Hm. Im kinda mixed on this one. I started pretty young myself and never noticed any problems because of it but thats just personal experiance.

    I would just make sure he knows what hes doing and keep track of it. Make sure hes not putting all his time towards toking and make sure hes still doing well in school. If you notice a decline in his behavior, say something but make sure you just show him your concerned and wanna make sure hes not messing up his grades.
  18. I would think 17-18 is a good age, but it depends on how mature the kid is I guess. I knew plenty of 20-21 year olds in college who couldn't handle pot responsibly, so it depends on the person.
  19. i just thought,
    if you know hes smoking weed make sure he is using a proper bong and cone piece. i used to have to make mine from a pen and pen lid, and foil.
    help this kid out! :p

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