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Age old question... Should I smoke tonight?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by RippinSC420, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Hi all

    We had a snowday today and we are supposed to get some tomorow because we have some ice on the way but idk if we will have a snowday... Should I just go for a bowl or 2? I usually don't smoke on schoolnights.

    Mary Jane invades my brain, now I can't complain
  2. smoke.. it doesn't affect anything :confused:
  3. You should smoke every night...
  4. before you know it youll be getting high everyday hehe doesnt matter where you are school work police station :)

    but yes do get high! ask your self why not? :confused_2:
  5. How is this an age old question? Of course you should smoke tonight. I just smoked, i might smoke a bit later, i am so tired tho i could end up passing out first.
  6. i would have to say might as well.
  7. Well, looks like it's a unanimous descision... Hindu kush here I come!
  8. face-palm.

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