After School

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by soapy91, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. Anyone else have no idea what they want to do for a living after they graduate?
  2. Idk man im not too worried, i might look into being a doctor... working hard in school and such but if that dosen't work out i hear construction is always a stable hard working job.
  3. Grow and sell weed. Then open a legit business
  4. Not to be rude. You're going to base your entire future on the hopes of growing? Got some priority issues homie, should probably get your life straight instead of hanging out with the wrong crowd. "Cripin210tx". Lots of great shit in San Antonio, and you should know that the people you hang with probably won't have your back in life when shit really goes down. I wish you the best dude, haha.
  5. Emt..then later in life when im stable and have a home id like to grow..for consumtion by myself lol
  6. After school I'm gonna work small shitty jobs to support my band, which I hope will make it one day. If it doesn't, I don't mind working little shitty jobs for a few years until I decide on a career (probably something to do with sound production).

    Hell, work a few hours at say, Taco Bell or something, come home, smoke weed, party, etc. etc. I wouldn't want to do that my whole life but that sounds pretty kick ass.

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