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After many years of daily toking...?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by jackson999, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. I've been puffing at least a gram a day throughout the day many times for about 6 months basically medically and used to be a more recreational smoker but I was just wondering what the seasoned smokers who have smoked at least s a gram a day for multiple years would say about how high they get on a daily basis. I get medical marijuana and I get 2 different eighths a week so I get a pretty good mix of strains and I still get pretty blazed everytime I smoke but a lot of the day i'm just in a good mood and productive. What are you seasoned tokers experiences like? I like to get super blazed occasionally or do some other recreational drugs to mix it up once in a while also to keep things fresh.

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