After long thought and consideration, I Tha Professor, hear by do declare....

Discussion in 'General' started by Tha Professor, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. CapslockBandit has his "liking" privileges revoked. Forever and ever. And ever.
  2. In before he likes the above post.
  3. I do not know him well enough to wish his downfall! I shalst not vote.

    Oh wait, there is not voting. It was fucking Declared. Shit.
  4. I noticed the same damn thing
  5. sounds like a standup guy to me
  6. I like getting likes, the more the better :)
  7. I feel special when I get liked.

  8. capslock bandit really helped me out :) i love him.

    if it was possible he should change his name

    "capslock bandit king"

    hahaha! :)
  9. a-fucking-men!
  10. Poor dude was banned!

    Ah well, rejoice!
  11. aww how come?

    if they dont want people over liking, just dont allow us to like
  12. CAPLOCKBANDIT is a like whore!!!

    A shameless promiscous and evil like WHORRRRE!!!!

    Just throws that "like" around and does'nt even clean it!!!
  13. CAPSLOCK IS BANNED!>!!?!? he was my only friend:(
  14. He was a shameless dude, was he really banned?
    I told him to chill with the likes.... unfortunately he just took it as hate mail and probably fueled his ego :rolleyes:

    that's a damn shame tho
  15. was that really the reason he got banned? for liking too much?
  16. I guess I'm glad I smoked some weed and was too lazy to spam likes. I was going to but got about 10 likes in and was all liked out.
  17. That's a horrible reason to ban the guy,I thought it was rather

    And who's to say that he didn't genuinely like every post,maybe he was
    a happy kind of guy.

    You don't get arrested for smiling too much...the law can't tell you
    not to like your life.

    GC who are you to say which posts I can't like!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. #19 stenod, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    i totally agree but i just saw my notifications, nothing but likes from some bandit of caps lock. i would like this but im scared it will show up on my facebook.

    edit: it's kind of ironic, now he really did get his liking privileges removed. i hope he didnt get banned for too much liking, it actually made me feel good when i saw it.
  19. I miss the guy already. He was a jolly ole chap and a good blade.

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