After legalization, backlash against marijuana opponents?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Monkybiz007, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Hello blades,
    The past few weeks I have really been keeping up to date with the progression of marijuana reform legislation occuring in the United States. I have seen many different and important issues raised here at GC, except one that has had me thinking over the last few days. If marijuana were to be legalized, what kind of backlash would you expect to see against the people who were some of marijuana's biggest opponents?

    Obviously, this applies to people like politicians and police who have endorsed and enforced these laws. But also for people such as neighbours who might have organised a neighbourhood grow watch, or university officials who have taken particularly harsh stances against marijuana. What kind of retaliation would you expect to see against these people if marijuana was to be legalized? Would you flip these people the bird if you see them out in town, give them a mean tongue lashing, or perhaps something a little more extreme?

    I've been thinking about what I would do for the last week, let me know what you all would do GC.
  2. I wouldn't suspect anything. What I would do though is smoke a blunt in my backyard in a spot where the street is visible.This is just so I can wave to cops as they pass by while I'm smoking my nice blunt. Ah yes....

    I wouldn't expect anything more than that though. I seriously doubt any action will be taken towards those who opposed sensible marijuana laws.:rolleyes:
  3. Politicians would find they no longer have any voters...and have to get by on the charity of the stoners tax dollars..:smoking:
  4. Errr, I wouldn't flip any police officer the bird or anything.

    Best thing we can all do is just toke outside and in front of all the police officers and what not.
  5. I do think there will be a backlash in CA building up to NOV and hard core detractors. They have no new arguments though, its the same tired stuff everyone's heard.

    I believe legazation will carry the middle though... and we'll pass like 51-47.. but 47% opposition is alotta pissed off folks .. and some of em got dough.
  6. I think the opponents will actually be more pissed about us. As more people become open about their usage, and more people start, the pissed off close minded assholes are going to start shit. People will be segregated against. Hopefully that doesn't last.

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