After Death....

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by ganjaphish, Dec 2, 2001.

  1. the rainman!, I wish your posts were easier to read. I cant read them man, you should make them paragraphs and use correct english.
  2. my friend told me an interesting story about his mom saved her own consious life while in the unconcious state (if that makes sense) a doctor accidently gave her way to much nitrous oxide for fixin her teeth or w/e and there is a whole story to it but it turns out she somehow pulled it off with the help of some sort of power. I belive in god but not religions like cathlic of buddist or jewish, i think most religions started out as a way of helping ppl get by life and not having to worry too much about the after life but now its just been turning alot into which religion can rule the world, even tho i know there are many ppl that r religious that dont belive that, but thats my view.
  3. First off question life. What sparked it? Bunch of atoms formed cells and livers and hearts and brains and sperm and egg and every creature was BOOM made. No way jose. Something created life. I feel like we are angles that wanted to experience what it is like with pain and sorrow and ups and downs. Not all ups like it is in heaven. Experience how we will react to everything, express our opinions, and express to other creatures of your own kind how you react to pain and depression and such. Were just like trying to find out who we really are or something. I view life as a bunch of reactions. Whats above the number trillion. I'll make up zillion think of zillion and zillion of reactions happening constantly. Cells dividing and nature continuion and every person reacting with family friends and other people called strangers because we haven't accepted them as friends. Just a bunch of reactions and I call them chemical reactions in my belief. Were all just reacting towards everything and expressing opinions and questions to make everyones life views or opinions or thoughts better on life. Relieving depression or something. Honestly I smoked a fuck load of weed and did amphetamines at the same time when I found out this shit and it gave me a crazy view of life. Like its really interesting 8 years ago I didn't have a license to drive or something and now 8 years I'm 19 and can drive and buy tobacco products. Like the world is continuing and time will come for anything. Such as being 21 say your 17 and think 4 years is long comes around and your 21 and its like damn you look back. Were all just reacting and overtime we can react to new things and finally react to death the biggest thing we don't want to react to. In schools now they teach people that death is making peace with the world and the life of sorrow and pain is gone. Pretty interesting. Seriously death shouldn't that be scared of think of all the people that died today. 100's of thousands. All finally facing their lifely destiny (death). Also think of pain and joy. You don't feel it from your brain you feel it in your stomach. I believe our souls are in our stomachs because its where we feel the laughter and fun and fear and gut feelings of life. Who knows man get out with your friends and have a great times, honestly if you ever want to get these thoughts out of your head and depression. Thats the best way to do it. Life is scary I'll agree makes me want to overdose on aspirn and find out what the fuck happens. But sadly i'm too much of a sissy. No city I ain't gonna kill my self:p
  4. whether or not you'll exhaust any of your energy in pursuit of an answer, i respect you very much that you asked yourself that. others (many others) live their life without any search for significance. those who do, it would appear, live a significant and worth while life purely in search of what will happen when this body expires.

    keep searching, it will be worth your while.
  5. i believe a good explanation for this is that everybody everywhere has the same fears and needs. everyone fears what will happen when we die, everyone has at one point felt the need to know what's going on behind the scenes, if anything. so we all create our answers, and inevitably some of these answers will look similar (especially in the same parts of the world, where the same way of thinking is adopted by people--like abstract or concrete thinking, that kind of thing)

    or maybe you have any specifics on things you noticed? that would make an interesting post.
  6. even tho we are afraid of death, that i know of it will be jsut like b4 we were living

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