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After 3 years, I Finally Freaked Out!!!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CannaClay, Dec 4, 2009.

  1. I have been smoking adamently for 2 1/2 years and tried my first rip of the delicious plant 3 years ago. When I hear stories of people freaking out from weed, frankly, I laugh. The only time I really beleive something bad can happen is if you mix your smoking with anti-depression or anxiety meds which I personally have never taken.

    So, yesterday my friend and I were playing some Fifa 10 and he decided to load a bowl in my bong. We did not have very much dank so we loaded a "medium" sized bowl. (generally i like to pack a FAT bowl). On the account that I still wanted to get super high I decided to hold in the smoke for quite a while on each rip. This went on for 3 rips and then my friends set the bong down. I was feeling pretty jolly at this point. A couple of minutes later I asked if the bowl was done and he said no so I took another huge rip. This time I held it in for a really long time, longer than I have ever held a bong rip. About one minute later I felt a huge rush come over my body starting from my head moving to my feet. Almost like a tingly feeling and then I started to breath a little heavy and I felt as if my breaths were empty, as if I was not recieving oxygen to the rest of my body. I became pretty scared and then thought about this thing I saw on TV where your lung's aveoli (the little sacks take O2 into your bloodstream) can get covered in dust, soot, or any small particles and not be able to receive oxygen. After about 2-3 minutes of this, which the whole time I did not mention a thing to my friend, I told myself, "Clayton your just being a little b***c, you can't get hurt from pot" so I just let the feeling take over sat back in my chair and tried the enjoy my high that was already almost entirely killed. For the next 30 minutes my abdomen still did not feel very good and then later it all wore off.

    This was not new weed, I had smoked it a couple times before from my trusty dealer and long time friend. This experience has in no way deterred me from smoking pot since. I smoked twice later that night.

    I would love to hear some comments and insight on the situation. This has never happened to me before and hope it never happens again.

    Thanks, Clayton
  2. you lost lots of oxygen...that's not usually a good thing.
  3. holding in youre hits for long amounts of time is generally not a good thing and does not get you more high

    the head rush you felt was probaly not enough oxygen getting to youre brain

    and generally most of the thc of a hit will be absorbed in just a few seconds making holding youre hits for longer than 10-15 seconds pointless
  4. yea. you only really need to hold it in for like 3 or 5 seconds. if you hold it in any longer all you are doing is chocking yourself from the smoke.
  5. yea. the freak out was probably just caused by loss of oxygen, which kills more brain cells than necessary... No need to hold in for so long. If you wanna get super high off of small amounts of weed do gravity hits and such.
  6. Two words... Oxygen Deprivation.
  7. I never hold it in. Thats what makes it worse for you.
  8. Yeah man, i've freaked out before. No big deal. Just don't hold those hits and and im sure everything will be ay ok!
  9. Yeah don't hold in your hits, you deprive your brain of oxygen. I usually hold mine in for 3 seconds, but anywhere for 3-5 seconds is fine.
  10. I think he freaked out because he was fuckin' ripped, not because he held in his hits too long. I freaked out the second time I tried weed off a pot brownie
  11. he said he has been smoking for 3 years and he packed a smaller bowl than normal so i doubt this is what happened
  12. i just hadd to comment
    this happened to me other night , i also threw up violently it actually hurt coming out , it was painful unlike the easy straight out throwing up like when i drink. It was a horrible experience

    nevertheless it never stopped me from going back to the herb the next day xD
    and it never let me down turns out it was a one off :p
  13. That kinda sounda like my roomate, He doesnt smoke but maybe once a week but a while back we did salvia together, and the next day he did pot he freaked.

    He was like hallucinating and shit, I left when he was trying to tie his shoes ( he had been at it for 10 minutes) -- When I came back he was dancing and didnt even recognize us. It was like he was in his own world. I knew the weed I had was really good but I think he was just sensitive -- He took a huge rip off my bong and then was being dumb and tried not to cough >.> ...

    Oddly enough I bought some more stuff not long ago after taking a week tolerance break, I smoked a blunt with her and my gf that she rolled that was about the size of a large cigar XD

    Holy shit I was baked.... I would touch myself and then like feel it what seemd like 30 minutes later, things were moving slower and idk.. I liked it. While I was sitting there though I was thinking of my bad salvia trip and I started to have a mini panic attack ... not like so other people could see. My body just got really hot and I thought I was going to freak out. I just told myself its just a drug, itll wear off. I was worried I was going to get like my roomate and it started to freak me out. After I calmed down I releaxed... waited another week and smoked another fat ass blunt but this time I enjoyed it....

    Morel to the story... (if any) Maybe its just something internal? Like freaking yourself out. You mentioned the thing you saw on tv, and likewise my friend said he though he was going to have a slavia trip.... and then I thought I was going to get like him. For a while I was worried I would freak and it was causing me to have panic attacks, but now that I know its just really good shit with mild psychedelic properties I enjoy it a lot. As a matter of fact I can't wait to roll another and get blitzed as shit!
  14. Keep holding in your breath for 10-15 seconds at a time and see what happens...
  15. cool, thanks everyone, except for trapmuzik, but yeah it makes sense, I just was deprived of oxygen.

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