this is where i will be keeping up with my grow hopefully. Thanks for making it in here and taking a look! 3/19 - Started germination 3/20 - seed popped, placed into rockwool cube that had been soaked in PH'd water (they are chilling under a cfl light going 24/0 until sprouted) 3/21 - just waiting for seed to sprout out now so I can place into DWC system I'm going to be using the flora "micro" and "bloom" for this grow, I heard the "grow" wasnt very neccesary so i opted out of buying it. I have to finish putting up mylar on all sides of the walls, but its been pretty difficult with the space im working with. Just gotta set aside some more time for that. Also gotta purchase an oscillating fan for the inside of the room along with some PVC piping for a passive intake.
Day 4 since germination 3/22 placed in dwc and switched on 250W Metal Halide bulb Temps rose up from 71 to 95 so fast! I turned on my exhaust fan and it help a few degrees, I really need to get those passive intake holes up and running. I'm considering just leaving my room white, the mylar I have is used and all wrinkled, maybe if I get some more money I can buy a roll, but for now I'm just sticking with the white walls. I also just realized that I can only raise my light so much more in my cab, right now it is currently about 15 inches away from the top of the bucket. I foresee a problem down the road, hopefully I can LST enough to make it work
Veg DAY 4 - 250 W MH (6 days since germination) PH- 6.0 PPM- 415 Temp- between 85 and 90 so tonight is the 4th night being in my 5 gal bubble bucket. I decided to brew up a very weak batch of soup and change the res. Until now, I've only been using PH'd tap water that I let sit out about 24 hours before using. I know the temp and ppms are high; definitely working on adding 2 passive intake holes real soon. Let me know what yall think thanks, The Dr. Day 1 Day2 Day3 Day 4
so DAMN! I usually have my lights go on at 6pm and go off at noon, BUT today I came home 10 minutes before noon to check on the plant and I see that someone came into my apartment and unplugged my power to the system! not sure how long it was off for, my guess is just 3 or 4 hours. shit sucks, but I will make sure it does not happen again
Veg DAY 5 - 250 W MH (7 days since germination) PH- 7.3! adjusted to 5.3 PPM- 650 (I use tap water that has a ppm of about 200) still pretty high Temp- 90 Even with the power being out for a couple of hours, there is some new growth taking place, its looking great so far! The temps are still higher than I want them to be, but not having any ill effects as of yet. May do another res change with less nutes tomorrow just to be on the safe side
Veg DAY 8 - 250 W MH (11 days since germination) PH- 5 PPM- 609 Temp- 85 Roots are starting to show through the netpot finally, I'm pretty excited about that. I'm too ready for some quick growth from here now Everything is looking great. I did see a small bug that had made its way into the bucket a few days ago; it was chillen around the netpot. It was only that one time though, so hopefully I dont have anything to worry about.
Veg DAY 10- 250 W MH PH- 5.6 PPM- 600 Temp- 85 Just did a res change, shes looking good. It really blows my mind how fast she can grow in this system! For the soup, I'm just running half strength lucas formula. If I notice any nute burn this time around I will definitely go down a little Haven't had a problem with heat because usually when the lights come on I just open up the cab door and have a fan blow fresh air in and around the plant. I still need the passive intake installed and a small oscillating fan for air movement, been working too much though. My goal for the week is to get those in there! What do you guys think so far?
quick update for yall... I just notice a bit of discoloration on the roots, was wondering what you guys may think it is, root rot or build up of nutes? (Just did a res change 2 days ago with fresh nutes) I'm gonna go pick up some hydrogen peroxide tomorrow just to be on the safe side
Veg DAY 12- 250 W MH PH- 5.8 PPM- 585 Temp- 90 Never actually found out if the problem I was having was due to nute buildup or not, but I went ahead and added 2 tsp of hydrogen peroxide (3%) to my res and it cleared up everything on the roots that same day! I have also decided to keep throwing frozen water bottles in the res to keep temps down. Roots are now growing and no buildup is present. Finally got a fan to move air around the room and rigged up a quick passive intake system. its all looking good today, ready for some LST pretty soon
Just a little LST update Veg day 15 (I will hit you guys up with some PPM/temp/Ph in the next coming days) just some pics fer your enjoiment She seems to be responding well to the training, hopefulling I see some thickening of the stalk real soon. I'm just trying to make her reach the edge of the bucket before I get her wrapped around it. I want to follow this procedure loosely (pic 1) how do you fellow blades feel about everything so far?
Veg DAY 18- 250 W MH PH- 5.8 PPM- 630 Temp- low 80/ hi 90 After this imma try and just keep yall updated weekly, unless a problem comes up. I opened the door to the cab the other day to see how she was doing and she POPPED off one of the tie downs I had put on 2 days earlier, this plant is fighting to grow vertically lol I was really impressed so now I know she handle some heavy LST'ing in the future I've also been noticing a very small amount of dead flies (1 or 2) of some sort inside the root system in my bubble bucket, also some yellow spotting on some of the leaves. I'm gonna be working on sealing up the room a little better to try and keep some of the bugs out and I also just raised the lights in an attempt to keep the yellow from spreading. not too sure what could be causing that, maybe heat stress? here are some pics for you guys
hey looking good a healthy good work with the hydrogen paroxide seems to clear up anything like that. great ideat with the lsti think its a great idea and will maximize your yield for sure bro you could even say 2 to 3 times more in my opinion. anyway keep the pics coming im liking this oneheres my grow i just started if you want to browse i will be lts as well
Veg DAY 26- 250 W MH PH- 6.0 PPM- 930 Temp- low 76/ hi 97 Been LST'ing quite a bit and just did my first attempt at supercropping yesterday. I was wondering if anyone knew what could be causing this yellowing on some of my leaves? Ph problem or nute burn? It's just been getting me a little worried. Also, I found out im gonna be out of town for a week next week, would it be smart to supercrop one more time right before I leave just to slow growth or let it do its thing and tie down when I return?
actionaaron, yeah, I was thinking that also;I may need to pick up some CalMag before I leave for the week 4/20 picture update
shiiiiit, havent been keeping up with this at all well first I went outta town for a week, then just been busy making up lost time and money with work. I will hook you guys up with picture updates though! before I left: 6 days later: 2 days ago: temps have been between 80 and 100. I cant really adjust anything else to bring the temps down, so I'm gonna leave it be and whenever I'm home and lights are on, I will be sure to open the door and turn the room AC on. Hoping for the best! Gonna try and give a full detail update late tonight with newer pics! thanks for looking
Flower DAY 14 - 250 W HPS 45 days since germination PH- 5.4 PPM- about 800 Temp- low 80/ hi 97 just wiped down the walls of the room, and changed the res, everything seems to be looking okay...I'm just really glad I've made it this far seeing how this is my first hydro grow (second grow ever). I've been trying to keep the canopy levels even and have been making sure to remove any dead leaves from the lower part of the plant. I accidentally supercropped one branch today , so no more adjusting anything until that appears to be healing. Also raised the light to its maximum height in the room, so hopefully the stretch period is over within a week or two. I actuallly ran out of room on my bubble bucket to tie down any stems, so what I have been doing is just using anything i can find as light weights to hold down any branches in air, it seems like a good idea and has been working so far; its like gravity defying LST
FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK, it is a sad day can someone confirm to me what this is please?! I have a feeling but just want to be told so...