
Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by Psilocybin52, Sep 24, 2008.

  1. Are there any advantages to an aero system over a hydro system?

    Are there any threads in here on how to make an aero system?
  2. Aero systems have been shown to offer faster growth and better yield then their soil or hydro counter parts. However, aero systems can be tricky, as spraying nutrients leaves room for plenty of problems.

    Don't take this the wrong way, but if you're asking about aero vs. hydro, you aren't ready for an aero system. They can be difficult to use and are not for beginners.
  3. agreed. you have far more research to do before making threads
  4. is that right?
  5. It is. Especially with a home-made aero system. I've heard of countless grows fail with home-made system because of sprayer malfunctions/cloggings.

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