Aeroponics in my uni room

Discussion in 'Do It Yourself' started by dogfight, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. -------------

    Recieved some of the parts I have ordered to construct the aeroponics today:


    1400l/hr pump

    40 x 50mm neoprene collars

    Saw, modeling putty, scalpels, drill, adhesive

    Drill bits

    I am still waiting for a lot of the components of the aeroponics, as well as the grow light, fertilizers, pH stuff, thermometer/hymidity meter, fan, etc; although they have all been ordered and should arrive within the next couple of days.

    I have one of my scheduled room inspections tomorrow so once they have gone, it's all hands on deck building as much as I can with what has arrived.


    My original design for the layout of the holes was for 19 or 31 if i could fit them in:

    ...but after playing with it I reluctantly decided to go down to to the 19 hole design, although I might be able to fit 31 at a sqeeze. I dont want it to get too weak by the holes being too close, plus I was worried the holes around the edge may not be getting enough action:


    Popped own to reception today and collected the post and didn't get as much as I expected. I did however get the grow light! Have tested it with both bulbs in:

    250W 4,000 K bulb

    250W 2,000 K bulb

    All seems to be in order.


    Just been to Wickes and picked up a few extras:



    Nylon (To hang the grow light up with)


    Theres not much I can do at the moment because I am still waiting for a lot of parts, but one thing I can do is get the pump into the bucket like so:

    Disassemble pump's plug

    Drill hole in bucket (estimated 7mm bit which turned out to be perfect)

    Feed cable through the hole from the inside

    Rewire the plug

    Mix some araldite adhesive

    Sacrifice a flat screwdriver to mix + apply araldite

    Apply to the hole, getting the alardite inside by applying it to the cable then pulling the cable in a few mm - pay special attention to making a full seal

    It's now drying =D


    It's pretty dry, so i'm going to put some modelling putty over the top just to make it a little more robust. I think the most strain will be put on it when the cable is pulled from an angle, and as the moddeling putty is still slightly flexible when dry, this should protect it as well as as an an extra layer of waterproofing. Takes so fucking long to dry though!

    Modelling putty


    Ive started work on the grow area itself, having put up the light and sorted out power arrangments. Here are some pictures:




    Iv come up with what could be a final design for the 'aeroponic' system. More of a hybridponic system I would say :p



    Iv been up all night doing a computer architecture assignment in today and have a 2 hour C++ exam today... but once that is all over and done with I will check my post and HOPEFULLY be able to build some more of the system.


    All my uni stuff is done, so its all happening.

    Here is the fan I will use:

    Time to get the tools out again:


    Same principle as when I put the pump into the bucket:


    Im just waiting for it to dry so I can put putty on it like before.

    Until then though... im getting some fucking sleep!!!


    The air pump is installed:
  2. you want to grow 19 plants in one bucket? Marijuana plants are tall, bushy, monsters! I grow one plant per 5 gallon bucket and my babies are doing just great. Theyre about 2 feet tall right now tucked under a screen with 50+ budsites each.

    Also, you REALLY dont want to use clear tubing. Itll let light into the bucket which will produce algea. Algea will eat up your nutrients, as well as grow on the roots, blocking them from absorbing nutrients.

    Are you planning on lightproofing that bucket? Cause white plastic leaks light. Its not direct light but its still enough to invite, again, algea.

    You seem like a really smart guy, but you also seem like your just starting out, and i wana help you not make the same mistakes MANY MANY of us here at GC have before.

  3. I realised the light problem the other day when looking at someone elses setup which they had lightproofed. I asumed the roots didnt like light.. i didnt realise it was because of algae.

    How can I lightproof it? Would tin-foil work.. I asume thats pretty lightproof as it relfects the light?

    I have 19 holes so I can use it to clone upto 19 plants, im only actually growing 5 in it.

    Thanks for your post, I appriciate it

  4. Alot of other growers have told me not to use tin foil. I used aluminum tape. You can find it at most hardware stores in the ducting/insulation section. Costs about 10-25$ a roll.

    Ahh yea 5 plants MIGHT be able to work if you skip vegging them entirly and just keep on a perpetual 12/12.

    Goodluck mate.
  5. i also want to go ponics, but hydroponis. i have not looked into aeroponics but i hear its the best and most technical. good thread buddy this is some cool stuff going on, im still a newb to all this.
  6. Lol i dont even know how hydroponics is to be honest... this is the only stuff I researched.

    Im new to it as well... iv done a lot of reading n researching but experience wise I know nothing.

    Cant wait to get this baby going though.. had a problem with a company thats sending the rest of the parts, but finally it may be sorted and I should have em monday :D
  7. you should have bought opaque so you wouldnt have to worry about it. I had the same problem with my first setup. I had 4 drywall buckets(freebie) that were white and instead of foil tape i just spray painted them black. my next set of buckets i made sure no light could get in. It worked out because they were my local lowes hardware brand buckets 4.99 with a lid :D
  8. #8 dogfight, Feb 7, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2010
    Should i spray it matt black or gloss black or satin black?

    I am thinking gloss but wondering if there's any reason for either?

  9. honestly i wouldnt see why it would matter the finish. opaque is opaque i dont think bacteria care if its shiney or not.

    so Idk, i guess if there was a way to find out which sealed light out better or if there was a better of the two. i painted mine flat black.
  10. Cool cheers man. You reckon 400ml would cover that buckeT?
  11. forgot my picture!
  12. They look sweet. How much spray did u use on those just out of interest? more than 1 can?
  13. i bought 3 cans of flat black and used almost 2 for 4 buckets. but i didnt spray the bottom
  14. if you paint it black to lightproof, you should also paint it white. black absorbs light, and you want the most that you can put back to be used by your plants.
  15. Just a simple suggestion for next time, when you put the water pump power cord through the hole tie a loose knot in the wire on the inside of the bucket and then pull it through. That way if the cord is ever pulled through the seal will not break and leak all over

    Other than that, this looks great man! Keep up the good work! +rep for great thread :hello:
  16. Sort of an old thread, but have you updated anything since? I'm highly interested in this!
  17. This looks good man, hope to see some updates on how things are going.

    Glad to see another computer boffin (hope you passed your C++).

  18. Couple suggestions:

    1) Don't grow more than 1 plant per bucket. If you need to remove a plant you are likely going to kill or severely damage the roots of any other plants in there as the roots will all intertwine.

    2) If you want to do Aero buckets you could have each bucket attached to a res near base and top sprayers would still have the DWC feel using the sprayers to aerate.

    3) You might have better luck trying this design with rubbermaid roughnecks instead of buckets. for multiple plants. I can veg a few plants in one rubbermaid or keep a few mothers.

    4) Painting black / white. If you can paint the inside black and the outside white (assuming paint won't chip off inside. Or paint the outside black THEN white like someone suggested. Lowes 5 Gal buckets I hear are already light proof. then you just need to paint it white to reflect light if you want.

    I clone in aero, veg in aero, mothers in aero, and I am flowering in NFT / Aero (Sprayerless for flowering fence posts). I have some pics on another thread here

    Don't have my journal started yet, once I put them into flower.

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