I'm interested in switching my system over to an aeroponic setup. It will consist of two 4" diameter pvc tubes with three sites in each tube. Each tube will have only 3 misters and my res size will be a 40L rubbermaid bin. I've got a couple questions First, what type of calculation do I need to do to figure out how much water the system will hold? The water in the res will certainly drop once the pump has been turned on and is running the water through the hoses and into the larger grow chamber. Secondly, with a system of this size what would you recommend my pump size be? This is something I've got no idea how to calculate but know it is crucial to the life of the pump. Too powerful and there will be too much back pressure, hence leading to premature pump failure. Too little pressure and the misters won't perform to their full ability. What kind of temperature increase would I expect to see by using a submersible pump? Finally, what intervals should be used during light cycle, dark cycle, veg state, flowering. I'm not sure if it is a constant throughout the entire grow or there are variations depending on where each plant is in their life. Also, any recommendations on a timer for my pump? It would have to cycle fairly regularly I believe. I greatly appreciate your help. If you don't have the time to answers all my questions feel free to guide me to a link or site that offers such information.
I read varying reccomendations on timer for the pump., and decided to go with 24 hour feed cycle, no timer. Growth is at 1 to 1.5 inches per day.
In Aero i will talk my Own Current Personal Experience. Thru trial n error, I can proudly say I learned. My AeroBox consits: 2 Rubbermaid Bins (Black) 2 Pumps (320 GPH) (260 GPH) [More or less on the numbers honestly] 8 Misters 360Degrees (Lowe's or HomeDepot) Netpot with Neoprene (Homemade with Foam) AirStone n Pump (Just because too much Oxygen never kills, u dont really need it) Filter (Metallic Mesh) PVC, Tubes n Fittings My timer is set to ... hold u r breath 15MinON n 45MINOFF Excellent REsults Maximum Oxygenation u give roots chance to breath n relax. Nutes; I use them at 3/4 all the way and keep my PPM no higher than 1000, why ? Beacuse the INTAKE of the NUTES is so extreme due to the Roots hanging, when I just went from 3/4 to Full the plants did not took it well. Cut down to half she was starving for some more every 2 days. (Bottom line you will have to try NutesStrenght on your own, cuz every strain is different) I do not change my REZ every Week (Change the REZ when I introduce a new Type of Nutrient), instead I add PH'd Water and the amount of nutrients accordingly to the water added (That's why we have PPM testers Right ?). (I think is a waste of nutrients change it weekly, I have a filter very simple so far my system do not get clogged after the filter was install, before i was checking it every hour. MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: WATER TEMPERATURE KEEP IT BELOW 75c - otherwise is an OpenInvitation to RootRot and Bacteria (BELIEVE ME YOU!) I use two gallons of ICE every 6 hours when the lights are on. If u r serious about staying with Aero buy a chiller, I WILL ! But basically that's it, Hope it helps happyGrowing
zeroshadow have you thought about high pressure aero? if your willing to spend another 300 on a chiller why not just upgrade and go all out AERO! im hoping to in the future but im gonna do a few grows with my current setup- but things are ever changing. im running misters on a 24hour timer but i only have intevals of 30 min...
With the HighPressure will be more heat n electricity and the misters are very, very, very likely to get clogged, plus u will have to install an R.O. System to aviod the clog, right now I use tapwater n works like a charm. I'm so please with my set up (If ain't broke it ...) Chiller have a dual use, will be Pumping ColdWater to an ICEBOX HeatExcahnger connected to the tube. Let us know if you decide to upgrade.
Excellent post Zero! Thank you for the help and advice. I didn't realize things got so hot with Aero. I've done 3 rounds with Bubble Buckets and not had an issue regarding Root Rot yet (Knock on wood). What is the ambient temperature of your grow space? A foot away from my light is about 75 to 79 and since I've got my passive intakes at the bottom the cool air coming in rushes past my buckets, keeping them pretty cool. Once the canopy fills in and blocks the light to the buckets my res temps sit comfortably around 65
thats why you would use pre filters and use a non submersible pumpe that is measured in PSI, when it is hooked up to the accumulator tank the only time the pump is running is to build up the pressure in the tank, if you pair your pump and tank you may only need to have the pump on once a day.... the selinoids are what are connected to the timer that releases the pressureized nutrients to the roots. check this thread out and what kind of root structure and yeilds this guys getting! http://www.thcfarmer.com/forums/f29/trees-aero-15936/ i've learned that being a member of only one growing forum is sensless and there is only so much info being spread and when a new ide comes it gets squashed..
[quote name='"seed-to-lung"'] thats why you would use pre filters and use a non submersible pumpe that is measured in PSI, when it is hooked up to the accumulator tank the only time the pump is running is to build up the pressure in the tank, if you pair your pump and tank you may only need to have the pump on once a day.... the selinoids are what are connected to the timer that releases the pressureized nutrients to the roots. check this thread out and what kind of root structure and yeilds this guys getting! http://www.thcfarmer.com/forums/f29/trees-aero-15936/ i've learned that being a member of only one growing forum is sensless and there is only so much info being spread and when a new ide comes it gets squashed..[/quote] I went to the link and saw the HighPressure Aero Log, I saw it already time ago, that video is was one of those vids that push you to try something new, however in a low scale (Low Pressure Aero). The only reason I'm a member of just one forum is for security reason (Ihave what many growers don't have ... "A nasty Ex-Wife that will do anything to fuck me at her first chance and since I'm one of those who says "LooseLips sink Ship, also say "LooseFinger will DOOM me in the future" is more easy to control everything from one place; however I check every single forum when I'm doing research, I just don't post just send PM to emails directly. Let me know if u r going to give it a shot to the HIGHPRESSURE ! PLUS like Lord of the Ring says "ONE Forum will rule them ALL ... GRASSCITY BABY !