Aerogarden help - yellowing leaves (Pics included) Helpp

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by derangedfurball, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. #1 derangedfurball, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    Im sort od a n00b at this but Ive been growing with a aerogarden deluxe a have 4 plants growing in it looking for all the help i can get. Just rececently i started to notice that a couple of my shade leaves are turring yellow on the tips and have little brown spots all over... what is the cause of this? Anything can help:confused:

    [[ame=""]YouTube- Aerogarden weed grow op[/ame] Here is a video of my set up ..
    Tell me what you guys think ?.

    Attached Files:

  2. it sounds like your either over watering or using to much nutes.. what kind of nutes are you using and how often do you water?
  3. Im using the Nutes im using are the one that came with my aerogarden theres large tabs and small tabs i use one large tab a week for the four plants i have
    and for the flowering stage i have florabloom
    The water runs all the time its aeroponics with a 24 hr lights
  4. #4 Do Work, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2010

    Confucius say man who know little, talk most. Or maybe that was Do Work that said that... I can't remember.

    Check list of bad leaves in a hydro setup:

    1) check your pH 5.5-6.2 -- 5.8 is ideal.
    2) read the sick plants thread, it's possible you have a micro deficiency, although me thinks not.
    3) check your roots. I've found the biggest reason plants turn like that in hydro (other than pH) is root rot. If you got it, good luck my friend : /.

    Yea, I looked at your pics. I'm almost 100% certain your pH is way out of whack. Looks like you have some micro deficiencies because of it, and possibly even a mobile deficiency. Stop topping her for now, get her straightened out and let her put on some new growth. May take a week or two, but she should be fine. Stable pH is probably the most important part of hydro.

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